Page 40 of CEO's Baby Scandal
I slide my tip inside her, feeling her gasp with pleasure from the sensation. I grab her by the wrists and push her arms above her head, holding them in place as I grind against her. Her breathing quickens, and I feel her arching her back, pushing her hips up to meet mine. She gasps at the sudden sensation of pleasure that radiates through us both.
I start to thrust deep within her, feeling every inch of her tightness surround me. Emily wraps her legs around me as she cries out in delight at the intense sensations coursing through both of us.
We move in unison as our bodies become one, dancing together in a rhythm that only we could understand. She screams out my name as she reaches her peak, and I can't help but join in on the chorus of pleasure. "Oh, God!" we both moan out together as we reach our climaxes in perfect harmony….
I woke, my body already plunging into climax, and I threw the covers back. It had been years since I’d had a wet dream, and damned if I didn’t have to rush for the toilet gripping my cock as hard as I could to stop the mess from spraying out all over the carpet. My heart pounded as I released, letting the cum drain from my hard dick as I gently stroked it. I leaned one arm on the wall behind the toilet and clenched my eyes shut.
Even in my sleep, I wanted her. How could I let this happen to me?
Charlotte carried my suitcase for me, lugging it up the few flights of stairs to my apartment. After bickering with my mother all day Sunday, I’d booked a flight home for Monday afternoon. It was early evening now and I was spent. I slumped onto my old, worn couch, curling into myself without a thought about dinner, or unpacking, or even something to drink. Charlotte perched carefully on the edge of the coffee table and rested her hand on my knee. I told her on the drive from the airport home how Mom had reacted, and she was sympathetic.
“I can’t imagine how you feel. Even after your mom found out you weren’t interested in an abortion, she kept pushing you?” Her thumb rubbed back and forth across my jeans, and I pulled my leg away.
“Yeah, she thinks I’m throwing my life away. I don’t think so.”
Charlotte frowned and moved to the couch beside me, sinking in on the broken cushion. She mimicked my position, hugging her knees to her chest. Her hair fell around her face in a mess, unbrushed but still gorgeous. I wondered if Daniel would still think I was pretty when he saw my stomach starting to bulge, and I had to turn away from her. Everything mademe think of him, probably because I had inadvertently put a distance between us that should never have been there. I should have told him from the beginning.
“I don’t think you’re throwing your life away. I think your life is going to look different from how she wanted it to, maybe even different from how you wanted it to, but it’s not thrown away. You’re just taking a different path. That’s all.”
I forced a weak smile and took a cleansing breath. Char always had a way of seeing the positive side of things. I’d been trying to do the same thing, thinking about the positives. I was already in love with these two little lives growing inside me. My life was already different from how I had planned it to be, but that hadn’t changed when I found out I was pregnant. That had changed the moment Daniel took an interest in me. I’d never in a million years thought I’d meet someone so amazing.
“You really love him, don’t you?”
“I do…” I mumbled, tucking my chin to my chest. “And it’s not because I’m pregnant. I have known I was in love for a long time.”
“You need to tell him, Em. He deserves to know. He’s probably wondering why you haven’t called or texted him.” I looked up at her expression—concerned and caring.
“I know. I’ve just felt guilty about hiding this from him, and afraid that he’d think I was lying to him. He said the one thing that would tear us apart was a lie. I’ve been hiding this for so long now that I’m starting to show. Granted, I’m showing much earlier than a normal pregnancy because it’s twins, but still. He’ll think?—”
“It doesn’t matter what he thinks, as long as you tell him. Okay?”
My stomach gurgled, and I felt ill. The anti-nausea meds were buried in my suitcase, and I hadn’t eaten, so morning sickness was about to kick my ass. I tried to swallow the bile thatrose in the back of my throat, but it was a losing battle. This was a part of pregnancy I hated, throwing up all the time. I stood and walked to my suitcase, unzipping it, and as I did, I heard keys jingle in the lock. I froze. The only person who had keys to my apartment other than me was Evelyn, and I didn’t want to see her right now.
The door swung open and she burst in. She had wide eyes and a judgmental expression as she shut the door and stared down at me rifling through my suitcase in search of my medicine. “What do you want, Eve?”
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you were pregnant.”
My shoulders slumped. I found the medicine and pulled the bottle out, twisting the childproof cap fruitlessly. My body tensed, a few hiccups escaping before a burp. It was coming up already. No time for medicine. I bolted to my feet and started for the bathroom, but it was too late. I threw up all over the carpet, my sweatshirt, my jeans, and the torn linoleum in the hallway.
By the time I got to the toilet, I had nothing left in me but sobs. I hated my family, talking about me behind my back as if they were better than me or could control my life with their gossip. It was how small-town life went. It was the reason I wanted out of Monroe County. I wanted to be invisible, to disappear into the masses where no one knew me and I could just live my life my way. I should never have gone home to visit.
Charlotte was there, holding my hair back as I sobbed and blew my nose. Evelyn was there too, arms folded, staring at me emotionlessly. Char helped me clean up and pull my soiled sweatshirt off, and I pushed past Evelyn and headed for my bedroom. Eve followed, heels clicking on the floor.
“Char, I need to speak to my sister alone.”
Charlotte lingered, waiting for me to dismiss her, and I waved my hand. Evelyn would be cruel to me. I knew that much.Char didn’t need to be around for that. “I’ll clean up the floor, okay?” Her compassion warmed my heart.
She left, and I peeled off my nasty jeans, kicking my shoes off by my dresser. Evelyn watched me change, shaking her head at my changing body. “Mom told me, but I didn’t believe it. And you’re far enough along that you’re showing? What, did you have sex with him on your first day?”
“Can you lay off, Eve? This is hard enough without you judging me.” I pulled open my dresser drawer and tried to find some leggings. Most of my pants would be too tight now, anyway. I needed to invest in some maternity clothing soon.
“Look, I don’t necessarily agree with Mom. After having a kid, I know what it does to you.” Her voice softened as she leaned on the door frame. “I wouldn’t abort either. I just think you’re in for a world of pain now. He’s never going to support you. You’re just going to be the fat assistant who got pregnant now. He’ll find a new woman to bone and forget about you.”
Her words stung. I didn’t want to believe that. Daniel loved me. I knew he did. And I loved him. My mind was at war with itself, trying to decide what was true. I pulled a T-shirt on and found some yoga pants. Evelyn continued telling me how badly I messed up as I sat on the edge of my bed and forced my legs into the pants. The ceaseless lectures were pounding my self-confidence into the dirt.