Page 44 of CEO's Baby Scandal
This was why he hadn’t responded to me or answered. He’d seen how I lived, my apartment, how poor I was, and he’d decided to cut me off. Only he didn’t even have the guts to cut me off himself. He had to have his staff do it for him. And the worst part was, he told me the only thing that would end our relationship was a lie, but I hadn’t lied. Unless Evelyn had told him I was pregnant too, which meant he knew and that was why he’d ended things.
My head hurt. My heart hurt. I wanted to go to sleep and not wake up for months, until my heart healed. This couldn’t have been Daniel’s doing. He’d never treat me like this. Or maybe that was just an imagination I’d had of him and Evelyn had actually been right. If he were the sexist bigot Evelyn told me he was, this was exactly how he’d act, and I’d just gone off on her.
I was so confused, so overwhelmed. My mind rehearsed a million things I’d say to him if he called me. I replayed everyconversation we’d had over the past few weeks in my head, trying to make sense of things, but nothing made sense.
By the time I got home, I was a complete wreck. The handkerchief donated to my sob-fest was soaked in snot and tears. I threw it away and left the box of my things on the counter before stripping off and climbing into bed in just my bra and panties.
Why hadn’t I told him immediately when I found out? Why had I been so scared of his knowing I was pregnant? Now that I had the confidence to tell him, it was too late. He didn't want me. Maybe he never wanted me for anything other than an easy lay, and I had been so easy. I never even played hard to get. I cradled my stomach and let the tears and wails of anger and pain pour out of me. What on earth would I do now?
“Sir, your coffee?” Jill’s head popped into my office unannounced. I knew the moment I saw her that something wasn’t kosher. The worry lines on her forehead told a story of stress and conflict. I looked up and furrowed my brow, restraining the urge to snap at her for entering my office without being called upon.
“What’s wrong?” I asked her as she tiptoed across the carpet and set the coffee down. She never entered my office without knocking.
“I, uh… Just bringing your morning brew,” she said, forcing a smile.
“Jill, don’t mess with me. You never just walk in here. What’s going on?” I rose, straightening my tie. My gut clenched, and I had a suspicion that Emily was part of whatever it was that was going on.
“Sir, I just…” She sighed. “I have to go back to my desk. I’m sure Michael will explain in a moment.”
I wanted to rush out to the foyer and find out what was happening, but before Jill even made her exit, Michael walked in and held his hand up. I had already rounded the end of my desk,ready to follow Jill out as she exited. Michael’s hand pressed into my chest and he shut the door behind Jill.
“Calm down, Dan.” He gently nudged me backward, and I clenched my fists. “It’s done.”
“What’s done?” I asked. I tried to sidestep past him, but he stepped with me.
“Emily is gone. Terminated, with a very nice parting gift.” I watched him flip the lock on the door, and then he pressed both hands to my chest as if to calm me.
“Mike, I need to speak with her.”
“No, you aren’t doing that.” He was firm, pushing back as I stepped forward. “This went too far the entire time. Even if it was just a threat, she was horrible for your reputation. I’ve taken the steps necessary to protect you even if you won’t protect yourself.”
“You’ve done what?” I pushed back. “What did you do?” I knew they planned to terminate her, but I hadn’t given approval. Human resources knew better than to do anything without my consent.
“She is gone, Daniel, and you need to let it go. We filed a restraining order on her. She won’t be in contact with you, and you can move on with your life now.”
Michael stood between me and the door, and all I could think was that if he wouldn’t get out of my way, I’d make him. I balled up my fist and drew back, taking a swing at him. He dodged the swing, hooking me around my gut, and pushed me backward until I slammed onto the couch and smacked my head on the wall.
“Dammit, Michael,” I shouted, pushing myself back up. He held his hands out as I balled my fists again, but this time, he didn't stop me as I advanced toward the door. “You had no right.” I swung the door open and burst into the hallway, already reaching for my phone to call my driver if necessary.
“Dan, stop!” he yelled, chasing after me. “Dan, as partner in this firm, I have a right to hire and fire as I see fit.”
I stopped abruptly and turned on my heel to glare at him. “Yeah? So do I. And you’re next on that list, so keep talking.” My chest heaved, and he glared at me. We’d been through a lot of things together, and this would be a shitty way to dissolve our partnership, but be that as it may, he was just a cog in the wheel. Emily wasn’t. She was everything to me, and it took almost losing her to know that. “I don’t care if she sues me. I’ll pay it. I don’t care if the firm goes under. I’ll file bankruptcy. I’ll start over somewhere.”
“Dan, you can’t mean that.” Now his voice was calm. He was getting the point. She was my everything, and he sent her away like a common whore.
“I do. And if you want to take the firm and the clients, you can fucking have them. I love her, and I’m going after her. If you try to stop me, I’ll fire you and Grace, and anyone else who tries to get in my way.”
“Dan, please.”
“I mean it, Michael. Back off.”
I punched the elevator button, hoping she hadn’t gotten too far, but it took too long. I couldn’t stand there waiting. I had to do something. I darted to the emergency exit near the stairwell and raced down. My feet couldn’t go fast enough, and sending a message to my driver while I ran, I nearly fell a few times, catching myself on the banister, but it didn’t slow my progress. I slammed the door open on the ground floor and rushed out to the sidewalk, but it was empty. No sign of her.
I only had to wait a few seconds for my driver to pull up. I climbed in quickly, barking out, “Emily’s place. Now. You remember, right?”