Page 10 of Howliday Match
“Anything you want.”
“That seems rather open-ended. What do you get if you win?”
“A kiss.”
Her mouth falls open again and she glares at me. “You’re planning to cheat or something so that you can win!”
“I am not. I’ve given you a fighting chance.” My wolf yips in my chest. There’s no way that she’s beating the both of us and her narrowed eyes let me know that she knows what I’m planning.
“I can give you that head start if you feel like you need more help.”
She grunts and then glares at me. “Fine. I get it. I’ll take the extra time.”
I nod my head, amazed that she took the bonus time. She must really want to win. But she’s not going to. I want that win and then I want my reward.
A kiss.
For two minutes I pace back and forth across the space and watch the woman build snowball after snowball to beat me. She eyes me nervously but doesn’t say a word. I watch her and smirk. Sometimes in life you’ve got to play the long game. That’s what I’m playing. It’s not going to take very long I hope. Because my body is strung out on her like I’d be strung out on drugs. I’m jonesing for a taste, a touch, hell anything at this point.
She moves closer and I eye her out of the corner of my eye, smiling when I see the snowballs in her hands.
Little does she know, she’s competing against the snowball fight champion of Magic! Nobody can beat me. Not even my cousin the sheriff.
But I let her get closer, let her think that she’s going to win. Until I grab a handful of snow and whip around, tagging her and watching the snow fall to the ground. I watch her mouth hanging open and almost roar with laughter.
“And that’s how it’s done, mate. That’s how it’s done.”
She growls under her breath, adorable like a happy little puppy with its tongue hanging out.
And now I’m picturing her tongue. Ugh!
“If you need it, I’ll give you a free shot or two.”
She glares at me and throws a pathetic snowball at me that falls apart as it hits my chest. “I don’t need your charity, wolf,” she growls. “Let’s get this show on the road.”
I roll a ball and toss it at her. Then another and another. She squeals and darts around the yard, yanking her own snowballs off of the ground and chucking them at me savagely, only to watch them fall apart as soon as they hit me. Like little frozen snow grenades.
By the time I’ve lobbed two more at her, she’s huffing and breathless, pink and pretty. I’m not even panting and she eyes me warily. “I feel like you’re not even trying.”
I grin at her. “Do I even need to?”
With another huff, she builds two more snowballs and chucks them at me but then I make a bigger one and this one is my killer of snowballs. This is the one that’s going to win this for me. I chase her around the yard and she giggles madly, slipping slightly on the snow that slows her down.
I don’t have that problem and easily catch her, pulling her down to the ground and rubbing the huge snowball over her front. She squeals wildly.
“Stop, stop!” Her cheeks are flushed and she’s smiling, laughing, her eyes glowing with happiness, tears rolling down her cheeks.
“Do you give up?”
“I do, yes! Please stop!”
I lean down and smirk. “So I won.”
“Fine, you won. The big bad wolf beat the girl. Whoohoo! What do you want, a medal?”
I smile and I know she can see my sharp teeth because her breath falters and her cheeks flush beet red. Her lush, curvy little body under me has my whole body on fire. Even the roll in the snow doesn’t cool down my fever.
“I want my kiss, mate.”