Page 13 of Gambler's Conceit
“There’s a high roller who wants to meet with me,” I say. “Wouldn’t deal with Grant. I can’t tell if he’s happy or upset. Then we need to stop by the security office to let them knowabout Seven. We can do a quick round of the casino to see if anything else needs taking care of, and…” I sigh in annoyance when my phone buzzes with another text. As soon as I see who it’s from, I scowl. “And I guess I’m meeting with Earl, too.”
I’d told Earl over and over that his role at the casino is done and has been done for the past six years, but he can’t deal with the fact that he’d sold the failing casino to me at a pittance, only for me to turn it around and make it one of the more profitable ones in Calamity City.
Vortex only grunts. If he has an opinion on my uncle, he’s smart enough not to share it.
My mind wanders back to Seven, locked up in my penthouse suite. His scars might have put off other men, but I’m not one to give up on a toy simply because it’s a little scuffed. In fact, fixing up something rundown is half the fun, whether that’s a casino or a beautiful young man with lost green eyes.
“My offer to let you watch wasn’t fake,” I say to Vortex. “In case you were worried about that. It also wouldn’t affect your job in any way.”
Vortex startles. “Is that what you want, boss? For me to watch?”
I rake my eyes over Vortex’s body. He’s tall and muscular, and his shirt stretches to cover those biceps. The close cut hair and beard make him look intimidating—which is the point, or he wouldn’t be effective in what is essentially a security job.
He does more than standard security, but to the outside eye, he’s just a bodyguard.
“It can spice scenes up,” I say mildly. “It’s not a job requirement. But I’m curious to see how Seven would handle it, as well.”
I don’t miss Vortex shifting uncomfortably, but I know I’m right: he’s interested in our little hitchhiker. I’d seen the wayhe’d blushed when Seven had taken those rough hands into his own slender ones, after all.
“That’s his choice, not mine,” he says diplomatically, though.
“It isn’t,” I answer glibly. We reach my meeting with the high roller, which cuts off the rest of that conversation.
It turns out the man wants to thank me profusely for how well we’ve treated him—and how we saved his marriage, apparently, by making sure his wife was occupied while he spent the day with the ponies. I’m not sure that warrants the meeting, but I play nice and exchange business cards with him.
After that, it’s a quick check on the restaurant and bar, and finally we get to the security office.
Matthew, the official head of security, is already waiting for us. “Mr. Spade, sir,” he greets. “How can I help you?”
I hold up my phone, where I’ve got a photo of Seven I snapped during dinner. “This young man is currently holed up in my suite. I want you to distribute his face to all the security staff, and make it known that he is not to leave the premises. Treat him with respect, but do not let him leave.”
Matthew frowns, but nods. “Of course, sir.” I send him the photo so he can get that sorted. Like Vortex, Matthew understands that my orders aren’t to be questioned.
It helps that they know my family is one of the four major crime families of Calamity City. We rule the underworld—and most of the city, thanks to our connections to the politicians. I can’t think of a single elected official who isn’t connected to at least one of the four families.
“While you’re here, sir,” Matthew says. “I have a small issue…”
Of course he does. I nod for him to continue anyway.
Matthew directs my attention to one of the security monitors. A tall Latino man wearing a leather jacket is getting into it with Grant.
I let out an annoyed sound. “What’s going on there?”
“Grant was informed that the guest in question was playing a bit too well at the blackjack table. I offered to take care of it, but he wanted to deal with it himself.” Matthew grimaces. “It’s only been a few minutes, but should I send somebody to break it up?”
“I can go,” Vortex says immediately, leaning in to take in the scene.
I shake my head, though. With Grant this riled up, he might take it poorly if Vortex is the one who shows up.
“I’m headed in that direction anyway. Might as well be late for my meeting with Earl.” I clap Matthew’s shoulder. “Get that picture distributed, then you’re done for the night.”
Back out onto the casino floor, where it’s easy enough to find Grant having it out with the guest.
“I wasn’t fucking counting cards,” the guest says, slamming his hand onto the blackjack table. “Some guys are just lucky!”
Grant snarls at the guest. “Three lucky streaks in a row? Sell me a new one, buddy. You’re out of here, and—” He breaks off when he sees me. “Boss!”
The guest turns to face me. Now that I see him in person, I can’t deny that he’s a handsome man. Not really my type—I prefer small, skinny, and vulnerable—but not bad-looking all the same. He’s got a scar on his chin that stands out against his tan skin.