Page 15 of Gambler's Conceit
Still glaring at Vortex, Earl says, “Can we get rid of the goon? Have a good chat, uncle to nephew?”
Vortex instantly responds, “Nope.”
“It’s fine,” I tell Vortex. “Earl and I will go take the table over there. You have a drink, maybe check in with guards upstairs to make sure my guest hasn’t tried anything stupid.”
Vortex looks between us, but he nods reluctantly. “I think Rosie is around, if you run into any trouble.” He finishes his water and sets the glass on the bar before trudging away, obviously unhappy but unwilling to challenge me.
Earl and I walk over to the small empty table. Our conversation won’t be completely private, but the guests around us are all absorbed in their own business.
“So what’s this about?” I ask once we’re seated, trying to keep the impatience out of my voice. The main reasons Earl asks to meet up are to try to remind me of how much I owe him, or to beg for money—sometimes both in one breath.
“I was thinking,” Earl says, and we both know he’s pretending to think about his words when he knows perfectlywell what he wants to say. “I gave you the idea for the new gaming table layout. I should get compensated for that.”
I resist the urge to roll my eyes. “Is that how it happened?”
I’d been in the process of having the staff move the layout when Earl had waltzed in and complained about the changes. We’d ignored him and continued as planned, with Earl occasionally giving orders about where to move things.
“You were going in the completely wrong direction,” Earl says, leaning forward as he spews yet another falsehood. “You needed my help, and I gave it to you. I didn’t charge you a consultant fee, but maybe you’d like to offer a bonus?”
Recent family rumors say that Earl’s ex-wife is suing for missing alimony payments. I consider bringing that up, but it’s not a secret that Earl is terrible with money and always owes more than he could ever hope to repay. The ex is probably the tamest person he could owe, although if the courts hire somebody to sift through Earl’s finances, it could have consequences for the rest of us.
“Who do you owe?” I say. “I’ll pay whoever it is directly.”
Earl laughs, but the sound is nervous. “What makes you think I owe someone, nephew?” he asks, fidgeting with his glass. “My bank account could just use an extra zero or two, and you can afford it.”
“Because this way I know the debt will be paid off, and you won’t be tempted to gamble with that money,” I state carefully. “You wouldn’t want to fall even deeper into debt, now would you?”
“You always assume the worst of me, Caleb,” he admonishes.
I stare at him, waiting for him to crumple before me.
As usual, he does, folding because I’m calling him out on his many, many debts. “Irene is getting greedy,” he says. “She’s not satisfied with all the money I’ve paid her. She thinks that sincethe Roi is doing well, she’s entitled to its profits. You see why I haven’t wanted to pay her? It’s not her money. It’s yours.”
“Oh, of course. How nice of you to think of me.” I smile at him. “We can sit down with the lawyers and discuss it all.” I pull my phone out and open my calendar. “I’m available on…”
My calendar, is, of course, full, but I know if I don’t get this problem taken care of, he’ll continue to hound me.
I wish I could rid myself of this dead weight, but he’s still family, and my father would get on my case if I cut his brother off entirely. My grandfather likes to hold lengthy family gatherings to remind us all of the importance of blood ties and how he worked hard to build this empire, and at this point, my generation is waiting for him to finally kick it so we can do things our own way.
Maybe that’s uncharitable, but he’s lived an overly long life for a gangster.
Earl and I arrange a time to meet, which will cut into my time with my newacquisition, but it’s not as though I have much else I can cut from my days.
My impatience is starting to tug at me, and as soon as the appointment is scheduled, I excuse myself from the table.
I want to head back up to my suite, but I get another text alerting me to an issue I need to deal with.
No rest for the wicked, or the diligent.
Seven will get to enjoy a night of reprieve while I deal with all these messes.
Nothingabout this plan is good.
I only have a hundred and fifty-two dollars to my name, I have to convince the guards at the top of the elevator to let me go downstairs alone and unsupervised, and worst of all, I have to leave Nacho behind.