Page 33 of Gambler's Conceit
I sit back in my chair and sigh. I didn’t lie when I told Seven that I’m not a particularly jealous man. I don’t want Seven to fuck everybody in the casino, but exclusivity has always seemed like a lot of trouble.
On the other hand,Havocseems like he’ll be a lot of trouble too.
“I’m not saying no,” I finally answer. “But you can’t take him out of the casino, and if he doesn’t want you, then he doesn’t want you.” I consider for a second, then add, “And if I want to watch, I’ll watch.”
Havoc loses his smirk. “That sounds like sexual harassment,boss.”
“You’re the one who wants to fuck the boss’s lover.” I stand up and extend my hand to him. “Take it or leave it.”
Havoc stands up and takes my hand, squeezing. “Fine. Sign me up.” After a short shake, he laughs. “You’ll have to tell your goon that he can’t beat me up just for sticking my cock in Seven’s ass.”
I roll my eyes. “I’ll inform Vortex of your new… status.” I pull out my phone. My HR manager has sent back a frantic email, while Vortex texted that he took Seven back up to my rooms. “In fact, let’s go do that in person. Seven is probably already bored.”
The guard returns with the ice pack for Havoc. We stop by the HR office for Havoc to sign some paperwork, then we take the elevator up to the top floor.
Havoc tries very hard not to look impressed. “You rich fuckers sure like to waste money.”
“Not as much as I’m sure you’ve wasted on the games here,” I point out. I grin at him. “You realize you can’t gamble here now, right? Since you’re an employee.”
Havoc groans just as the elevator dings open. “Fuck. I knew there was a catch.”
“Of course there was a catch.” I lead him to my suite, nodding to the men on guard. I open the door and call out. “Seven? Come on out, pet! We have a lot of things to discuss.”
Vortex emerges from the living room. He’s tended to his wounds, but he still has a hell of a black eye—not that Havoc looks much better. His eyes widen when he sees who’s at my side, then his expression morphs into a scowl. I know he hasquestions he’s dying to ask, but he keeps his mouth shut. “Boss. Seven went to his room.” He pauses, then says more loudly, “Seven! Boss is here!”
The door to the spare room clicks open a moment later, and Nacho darts out before Seven can stop him. He runs after the cat, wearing only a pair of pajama pants. “Nacho! Get back—” He catches sight of the three of us and scowls. “…here,” he finishes the sentence, much more sullenly, before he catches himself. “Caleb! You brought me some entertainment,” he says, flashing a grin at Havoc that has Vortex brimming with renewed anger.
I bend down to scoop Nacho up, and he flails to try to escape before he settles and starts butting his head against my jaw. I pet Nacho and smile at everybody.
“Not entertainment. Please meet the newest member of my casino staff.” I motion to Havoc. “Please, Mr. Martinez, introduce yourself.”
Havoc rolls his eyes, although he winces immediately and lifts the ice pack back to his face. “Call me Havoc. As all of you already know. I have no idea what my job entails but I guess your boss wanted me on the payroll so he could watch me fuck his twink boyfriend.”
Seven scowls at me, his amusement gone. “Are you just going to hire all of the men I fuck now?” he demands. He holds his hands out. “Nacho cat,” he says, though it sounds very much likenot yo’ cat. “Gimme.”
I hand Nacho to Seven. Once my hands are free, I pull Seven closer to me—Nacho between us—and grip Seven’s hair. “Who I do or don’t hire is none of your business.” Then I lean down to force a kiss on him.
Seven yelps in surprise, but he gives in to the kiss even while Nacho squirms in his arms. “Nice show of ownership,boss,” he says against my mouth.
“Boss?” I ask mildly. “I don’t think you’re on staff here.”
I’m pushing him. I’m pushing Havoc and Vortex, too, but I need to see how everybody reacts to this new situation. They can play with Seven, but they don’t get to keep him. They don’t get to claim ownership.
Only I do.
“Oh, right,” Seven says flippantly. “I’m supposed to call youMaster.”
I kiss him again, just briefly. “That’s right. So do it properly, pet. Show these two how things are around here.”
For a fraction of a second, I think Seven is going to refuse. A dark part of me doesn’t like that, but before I can decide what to do about it, Seven slowly drops down onto his knees in front of me. He lets go of Nacho and nuzzles my crotch, placing a kiss just over the zipper of my pants. “Yes, Master,” he says.
I groan and tangle my fingers in his hair. “That’s better.” I glance at Havoc and Vortex.
Havoc’s lips are slightly parted, but with the bruising and the ice pack obscuring his face, I can’t tell if he’s interested or disgusted.
Vortex, on the other hand, isn’t even bothering to hide how interested he is. His gaze is attentive on Seven, and I see him swallow hard as he fidgets.
Seven deftly unfastens my belt, then looks up at me, batting his eyelashes. “Am I giving them a full show, Master?”