Page 44 of Gambler's Conceit
Stop fucking the local women, he’d said, and I hadn’t corrected him that it was the local men I’d been getting with.
Of course, getting discharged the way I had meant I wasn’t eligible for any of the VA benefits, so I’ve been avoiding everything doctor-related.
“Once the whole health insurance thing clears,” I say, waving my hand dismissively. “If you want a proper date, maybe that means this one ends without sex. I’ll be a total gentleman.”
Seven’s head snaps up, and he stares at me, ignoring Nacho as the cat tries to head-butt his leg even with the cone. “You would not blue ball me like that. Not if you were a gentleman.”
I laugh and bump my shoulder against his. “Like you almost blue-balled me the other day?”
“Hey, to be fair,” he says. “That was not my fault. Vortex got overzealous.”
“I don’t know. You definitely knew you weren’t supposed to fuck around,” I tease.
Miss K climbs over my lap and over Seven, completely ignoring our personal space, to approach Nacho and sniff at him. Their noses touch, but after a few seconds, Miss K backs away and arches her back, hissing.
Nacho does not seem to notice the hostility at all, and instead attempts to lick his probably-aching-balls. The cone means he fails spectacularly.
“No, Caleb said I couldn’t fuck around with thestaff,” Seven insists again. “You weren’t staff. So you didn’t count.”
I laugh and shake my head. I should be annoyed, but Seven looks adorable with that pout. I ruffle his head and stand up. “Okay. So, dinner? The Thai bar isn’t too bad.”
Seven lifts Nacho and nods. “Sure. I’ll put Nacho away so Miss K doesn’t bully him.” He nuzzles Nacho’s head as best he can with the cone in the way.
I pick Miss K up to prevent her from following Seven into his room. She squirms but keeps her claws to herself.
I didn’t think I was a cat person, but I have to admit, I’m liking both of these animals better than the poorly trained dog my stepfather had a few years ago.
“You won’t jump on me just for coming through the door, right, girl?” I ask her, stroking her head.
She meows and gives me a sour look, but she seems to have resting bitch face, so I don’t know if she’s actually upset.
Seven takes a few minutes, but when he comes out, he’s dressed in a fresh button-down shirt and a nicer pair of pants. He cleans up well, I’ll give him that much, but it doesn’t explain why I have the urge to grab him and kiss him hard.
I set Miss K down, and she scampers off.
“So, Thai?” Seven asks, hooking his arm around mine. “Not the Mexican restaurant?”
I snort. “What, because I’m Mexican?” Seven gives me a sheepish look, and I shake my head. “Nah. I do like Mexican food, but if I’m going to eat over-priced tacos, I’d rather do that at Palacio Diamante. Cliche as it is, they do have the better Mexican restaurant.”
Seven makes a face. “Well, you’d have to do that alone anyway. I’m not allowed to leave the Roi de Pique.”
The guards don’t say anything as we leave the penthouse. I put one hand on the small of Seven’s back and usher him into the elevator.
Once the door closes, I say, “That’s bullshit.”
He glances at me and shrugs. “It’s ‘for my own protection,’” he says, mimicking Caleb. He sighs, though, and looks away. “I don’t know. It’s not… It’s complicated.”
“I should offer to help you escape, but…” I sigh. “I kind of need a job.”
He sneers at me. “Yeah, thanks. You could help someone who’s potentially being trafficked, or you could have a job,” he mocks.
I freeze and stare at him. “Are you being trafficked?”
“Wouldn’t that have been a great question to askbeforeyou fucked me while your new boss was watching?” he retorts.
I swallow hard, and my fists clench. “Seven. Are you in actual trouble? Because I…” Fuck. I can feel anger rushing into me, and the urge to punch Caleb’s smarmy face rises. Never mind the job, never mind moving out.
Seven puts a hand on my chest, ignoring the fact that the elevator door has opened. “I’m not in danger from Caleb,” he says.