Page 81 of Gambler's Conceit
I leaf through the papers. Each one is within my price range and reasonably close to the casino. Too close to the casino, in fact, given how little they cost.
“What’s this?” I ask. “Are you subsidizing my rent?”
Caleb glances up. “Hmm? No. My sister owns all those properties. I asked which ones she’d be willing to rent out at a reasonable rate to a friend of mine.”
Of course his sister owns a bunch of property in Calamity City. His family owns a large chunk of the city as it is, so I shouldn’t be surprised by all this.
The heat in my chest makes me uncomfortable, though. It’s a mixture of anger and gratitude, and I don’t know what to do with it.
“Are we friends?” I ask sarcastically.
Caleb pauses his work completely and stares at me. “We’re sleeping with the same man. If we aren’t at least on friendly terms, we’ve got a problem.”
Right. We need to be on good terms with each other for Seven’s sake.
I need to not piss him off, or he’ll find a way to cut me out of Seven’s life for good.
“Fine.” I fold up the printouts and stuff them into my jacket pocket. “I’ll take a look. Maybe I’ll find something else.”
I already know that won’t happen. If it were that easy for me to find a place to live, I wouldn’t still be putting up with my stepfather’s bullshit.
My mood sours even more when I think about the yelling that had woken me this morning. He hadn’t known I was in the house, or he wouldn’t have shouted at my mother like that.
Soon, I won’t have to deal with any of that anymore.
“Thanks,” I mumble to Caleb before rushing back out to the main casino.
Now would be a great time to hit the blackjack tables. Or poker. Or even the fucking slot machines. I can make my way to the Palacio Diamante, avoid any ex-friends working there, and maybe get a few hours of gambling in.
I stop when I spot Seven sitting at the bar with a tall, lanky man. Curiosity gets the better of me, and I head over there to see who this person talking to Seven is.
Seven is gesturing animatedly, and when he catches sight of me, he lights up. “Hey, Havoc,” he says, patting the stool next to him. “Come meet Del… I mean, Duncan.”
“Oooh, the infamous Havoc,” Duncan says. “You didn’t mention he was this hot.”
I roll my eyes, but I sit next to Seven. “Hi. You’ve been keeping Seven company today?”
“Since you and Vortex were busy,” Seven gripes.
“Like you haven’t enjoyed my company,” Duncan retorts, taking a sip from his glass.
I feel like I’ve seen Duncan somewhere before, but I can’t place it.
He catches me staring and asks, “What is it, honey? If you want something, you have to ask.”
“Do you work here?” I motion around us. “I thought I knew all the staff. I don’t think I’ve seen you around, but you seem familiar. Which isn’t a pick-up line.”
Seven snorts. “Duncan isn’t staff. He’s part of the Roi’s drag show,” he explains.
“A part? I’m thestar!” Duncan says with a dramatic flourish.
Seven nudges him in the side. “That’s what they let you think, Del.”
I smile at the interaction. It’s nice to see Seven being silly like this, even if part of me wishes I had Seven all to myself.
Having friends isn’t a bad thing. If anyone needs them, it’s Seven.
“How’d Nacho do at the vet?” Seven asks me. Before I can respond, he tells Duncan, “Nacho is my cat.”