Page 41 of Just Enough
“No, he’s manipulating you—”
“He’s not.” She glared. “Go away, Freddy.”
“I’m pissed. He’s not going anywhere.” I stepped closer into her space.
“Woo, scary,” she bit out with a glare. “You forgot I’m immune to him. He’s all sulk and talk, but there’s never any clawing or nightmares.”
“No, but that doesn’t mean he won’t grab you and shake some sense into you.” I held my hands out in demonstration. “Shit, you got us referring to me in the third person.”
She started to snort laugh and my mood lightened somewhat. I dropped my hands. “Seriously, Benjamin. It’s ten.” I hadn’t realized it had gotten so late. That explained the cold biting into my arms and the darkened sky. “I don’t know, but I’d think if someone was at home waiting for you this late, isn’t that what you do? Go home to be with them?”
I’d imagine she was right. I also imagined it being her waiting on me or vice versa. Instead of anger, I was left with a gut-wrenching sadness in its place.
I really hated sharing her. And never actually having her.
But I was too afraid to leave the confines she left me in.
I wondered if I was still her safe place.
I briefly wondered if maybe I should try stepping out.
The thought of rejection or permanent removal of her in my life would keep me in check though.
“Go on then,” I told her. “Don’t worry. We still have a few days before I have to go back.”
Her face brightened at my words, only I probably wasn’t voicing her worries. Those were mine.
Chapter 12
I wished forChristmas Eve and Day to pass quickly.
But they had moved extremely slow. I told myself to enjoy it while I went to Roger’s family on Christmas Eve. And I told myself to enjoy it when I went to Mom’s and ate with her and Sarah on Christmas Day. Roger wasn’t with me that day since he had to work at the hospital, but I spent that evening with him where we opened gifts in the apartment.
Only I kept wishing for it to be the day after, so I could spend time with Benjamin before he had to leave. Our days were numbered. It had me cranky and depressed. I hadn’t realized how much I had missed having him around until it was all I could think about while he was here.
I rushed out of the apartment that morning as soon as I woke up. Roger had already gone to work. I made my way to Dad’s where I ate a Christmas dinner for the third day in a row. Thankfully, he understood how tired I would be after going to everyone’s houses, so he waited to celebrate with me today. He also forced me to send a picture of himself standing next to the tree to Mom. It had been funny. I hated to say it, but I had more fun just being here alone with Dad.
If someone would have told me I’d be this close to him when I was younger like I was now, I wouldn’t have believed them.
Even though I didn’t live here anymore, I still bought him a tree and put it up ever since deciding we needed some cheer in our lives on Christmas. Today I was taking it down though. He sat and watched as I fought with the lights.
“The lights are getting tangled,” he stated the obvious.
I turned my neck just enough so that I could glare at him. “Why don’t you help then?” He went quiet. There was a knock on the door. “Can you get it, Dad? It’s Benjamin.”
He disappeared, I heard them talking, and a second later they were both standing in the living room. Benjamin wore casual clothes, but he looked so handsome. He had a box in his hand. “I didn’t get you anything,” I said with a frown.
“Who said I got you anything?” He snorted as he handed off the box to Dad. “Dad thought y’all might want some candy.”
I blushed. “Oh.”
“What are you doing?” He looked on the verge of laughing.
“Becoming the tree herself,” Dad pointed out.