Page 54 of Just Enough
He stood up, glanced around, and saw no Rosie. So, he grew angry, and he grew big. More voices spoke. He roared and punched the white walls. Nothing came from it.
He sunk down to his knees and thought of Rosie. Oh, how he missed her. His mind grew heavy with thoughts of her being hurt. He couldn’t protect her here. He had no idea where she was. No idea where he was.
That made him terribly sad, and angry, and completely at the mercy of the white room.
But as always, his worry was for that of human Rosie than it was of himself.
Please be safe, my human.
My Rosie.
I’ll get out. And we’ll be together again.
To be continued…
OMG!! I think Rosie realizes her own feelings. Or am I wrong?
Man, this is good. I don’t even know why it’s good. I just want their friendship to go further than it is… Will it happen now that Rosie lost her Gorilla Ben? And what’s going to happen to him??? Can’t wait to find out!
The story’s dragging, but I’m still holding on for Rosie and Ben to realize their feelings. The author writes in such a way that it should be obvious, and IT IS, to everyone but them.
These readers were feeling my pain from a lifetime of being friends with Rosie. Everyone BUT her realized how good we were together. I was even envious of Gorilla Ben because at least he didn’t seem to know the extent of his feelings for Rosie yet. That he was crazy in love with her. Probably would always be. And what made it worse was Rosie loved him too. Just not like Ben loved her.
Rosie likely loved him in the way Emily loved me—like a best friend or an anchor that kept her safe. Hell, she told me I was her safe place.
Maybe her publishing this series wasn’t such a good idea after all. It was making me think about us all the time and the possibilities… I was moving in with her today. I was getting ready to leave Mom and Dad’s house. I got in last night but decided to come here and see them, so I could break the news to Mom that I was moving in with Emily. She hated that idea, of course, but she couldn’t stop me.
She just hovered and never stopped nitpicking every little thing about Emily.
Nothing was going to prevent me from moving in with her. My head swam once more with possibilities. Possibilities that could lead to destroying our friendship if I said or did the wrong thing. Possibilities that could break my heart if I was rejected. Possibilities that would forever stay locked away in my head so that I could be her safe place, and she could just be in my world.
Even though she could easily be the center of it.
Not that she wasn’t already.
I checked for more reviews on my way up to the apartment. I liked reading them. I enjoyed reading the positive feedback she got back from her writing because it made me proud, and I knew it made her happy too.
She had the door unlocked, so I just stepped on in. Her head popped up from the fridge, and her smile caught me right in the chest. I hadn’t seen her since Christmas, but the sight of her always did me in, no matter what. Her stringy curls were up off her neck, and she wore a pair of loose, gray shorts and a white T-shirt.
She looked so laid back and fucking irresistible. This would be my view from now on. HELL, YEAH! This was going to be one of those tortures you couldn’t help but enjoy. I could deal with it. I’d been doing it for years already. My attraction to her faded during different times of my life, but never completely, and it always came back stronger than it was before.