Page 4 of Soul Food
I stepped over to the window and banged on it. “Help!” I yelled at the couple walking by, but they completely ignored me. No, it was like they couldn’t hear me. Were these windows soundproof?
“It’s no use,” he informed me. “No one can hear you. I lured you here.”
Ignoring him, I picked up a chair and slung it at the window. When nothing happened, my shoulders slumped. My brain focused on the words the mysterious stranger said. “What did you mean by lure?” Cautiously, I peeked over my shoulder, but he wasn’t there. Only the darkness greeted me.
“I can give you what you want,” he said. “And in return, you can give me something that’s yours.”
Tilting my head, I peered into the darkened book room, but for the life of me, I couldn’t see him anywhere. It was fucking creepy. His voice was coming from somewhere in the back where the book fell.
“You picked the wrong girl. I have nothing.” My voice sounded muffled over the roar of my pounding heart.
“Just get back here, Ruth.”
I paused. “How do you know my name?”
“Like I wouldn’t know my target.” Quietly, I took a step to the side trying to look around the shelves. “Fuck it.”
I screamed just as something jerked my feet from under me. It dragged me to the back of the room—the very place I didn’t want to go. I caught a bookshelf with my hand, but it toppled over. Looking toward my feet, I saw nothing. Once I reached the fallen book, I stopped and was able to scramble to my feet. I was seconds from bolting toward the front again when I saw him, not him butit.
I hadn’t seen him the first time since he blended in with the darkness. My eyes widened as I took in the black flames, or at least that was what it looked like. A massive undulating shadow in the shape of man. Only he wasn’t human. It was like looking at a menacing rainy cloud rippling with dark energy.
What is he? Whatever it was I wanted out, but I couldn’t move.
Crimson eyes blinked from the shadowy man. There was a shimmer in his silhouette, like maybe he was moving closer. There was no mouth or eyes. Nothing. Just a shadow with burning red eyes.
“Your soul sang to me, Ruth. It’s why I’m here.”
I shivered. “Please,” I begged, then closed my eyes. “This can’t be real.”
“But I am,” he responded.
My eyes popped open. “What are you?”
“A demon. A soul reaper.”
Not good at all.
I sunk to my knees. “This can’t be real,” I whispered, then I stared straight into his eyes. “Youcan’t be real!” I screamed. “I refuse to believe it!”
“You touched the book—mybook.” He slithered closer. “Your soul is mine now.”
“Because I touched a book?” I blinked. “You mean that if I had walked away, I would have been okay?”
Was I dreaming right now?
“Is this a dream?”
“I’ve been called a nightmare, but never a dream.”
Well, that was insightful and not helping my panic. Placing my hand over my chest, I bravely scooted back on my knees. “Are you going to kill me?”
“A person can’t live without a soul.” His voice was like an echoing mountain—cavernous and terrifying—but also devastating. That eerie tone along with the absence of a physical form shouldn't exist.
His answer was earth-shattering. My heart fractured, but despite the fear, it was sadness that overwhelmed me. I took a shallow breath and whimpered. As his presence loomed closer, I covered my face and cried. Through my agony a rhythm found me and manifested itself. I hummed the melody and then the words came.
Here lies broken homes,