Page 44 of All Our Secrets
Her eyes widened as she took it.
“Don’t come back.”
Once they sped off, I made my way inside. Peyton was squeezing her hands together, pacing the hallway, when I walked in. Her chocolate orbs were glassy, and her cheeks red. When our gazes clashed, my breath got caught in my lungs.
It wasn’t enough that I had run her troubles off. Not when I had the urge to pull her close and kiss all her hurt away. If I could, I’d do it. Consequences be damned. But I wasn’t the one she’d want giving her that sort of reassurance.
Finally, I said, “They’re gone.”
Her knees hit the floor. It happened so abruptly I couldn’t catch her, so I dropped down beside her. She covered her face as she cried. “I didn’t think she’d involve the police, but I got scared. I didn’t push him. I wasn’t even near him; I swear.”
Movement behind her caught my eye. Theodore stood there, his fists hanging at his sides as he watched her.
“It wasn’t your fault,” I murmured to Peyton. She wouldn’t want my touch, but my fingers still made their way to her hair.
Theodore huffed. “He rubbed his dick through his pants while standing outside Peyton’s door. I couldn’t do nothing.”
“I should have been here,” I added. The words were for Theodore as much as they were for Peyton.
“It’s not your concern. This is my family. Why are you touching her hair?”
I ignored him.
“This isn’t your problem. You keep doing too much.” Peyton stood abruptly. “I didn’t ask you to come. It was that nurse, wasn’t it? I forgot her name—Steven’s third wife. She gossiped, didn’t she?”
“I’m glad she talked.” I stood, towering over her smaller frame. “You’d still be living in hell if she hadn’t. You would have never told your mom to fuck off.”
Peyton threw up her hands. “She’s my mom!”
Grabbing her chin, I leaned over her. “She threatened you, Peyton. Fuck if I’m going to sit around and allow that.”
Peyton froze, inhaling sharply. We were so close I felt the heat of her breath electrifying me. Her eyelashes fluttered as she glanced toward my lips so briefly that I could almost convince myself I’d imagined it. Desire still took root inside me. In my limbs. In my chest. That ever-growing need for her spread. It took a few seconds for her to pull away. I wished she hadn’t. But by the slant of her brows, she was about to piss me off again.
“How many times do I have to tell you that I’m not your concern? It might have taken a day or two longer, but I would have gotten them out of the housemyway. Silas, that woman raised me. At one point, she would have done anything for me. I was her world—”
“Stop living in the past.” My harsh rebuttal had her snapping her mouth shut. “She’s your mom. And she shouldstillbe acting like it. You can’t accept all the bullshit now because of how she was during your childhood.”
When she stepped away from me, I placed my hands on her shoulders. Her eyes watered and my soul ached to see her so heartbroken.
“Peyton… I hope to God that mother of yours wakes up one day. Until that happens, I’ll be damned if I let her near you.”
She shook her head as she hiccupped. “Why are you like this? It’s—”
There was a tap on the door, followed by, “Peyton?”
I let go of her shoulders with a sigh and stepped away as Gerald opened the screen door.
His gaze darted back and forth between us, his brows furrowing. “You good?”
Peyton smiled. “I’m fine.”
She wasn’t. Clearly the old man saw that too, because he frowned. “Next time, let me handle it, okay?” He was looking atmewhen he spoke, but Peyton was the one who replied.
“Everything is fine. You guys are making a big deal out of nothing.” Her voice broke, and she covered her face again. “It’s been a long night. If you don’t mind, I’d like to sleep while T.J. is resting.”
“My mom won’t be back. Don’t worry.” Without meeting my eyes, Peyton walked up the steps. “I saw you give her the money, so I know she won’t turn around.”