Page 53 of All Our Secrets
“King.” She stood close, speaking quietly so only I could hear.
That zing flowed over me again, like a lover’s caress. I closed my eyes and willed it away. This man had gone out of his way to avoid me for years. I shouldn’t be so affected by his name alone.
Sarah hummed. “I’ve been paying attention. After seeing Silas’s behavior lately,a lotof his actions over the years suddenly make sense.” She leaned her weight into mine, as if to give comfort, as she smiled at my son. “I’m not like the other wives. You know that. If you need a listening ear, I’m always here.”
Ignoring the constant ache in my palm, I fed T.J. a bottle of breastmilk mixed with formula. The couch cushion dipped as Silas plopped down beside me. Filling the spot next to me, elbows placed on his knees as he bent forward to look at me, made me aware all over again of just how big he was. It wasn’t simply his body, which was muscular and broad, it was his energy too. He took up so much space.
I spotted the plastic bag in his hand and sighed. The grump really did go and get burn cream for such a tiny burn. “I told you it was unnecessary.”
Silas leaned over me, very unnecessarily, I might add, and his woodsy scent filled my nostrils. He set the bag on the other side of me and held out his hands. “Let me feed him so you can put it on.” Without waiting for my reply, he slipped one hand carefully beneath T.J.’s head, and the other under his butt, then lifted him away from me. It wasn’t until the big lug had my baby tucked safely in his right arm that he reached out for the bottle. T.J. blinked lazily at Silas as he fed him. My son sucked slowly, curiously watching the man who held him, content to study him while he ate.
“He has Theo’s nose,” Silas murmured. “Your eyes, though.”
I leaned into Silas’s shoulder, peeking down at my son. “Really? I think they look like Theo’s.”
“Only because they’re blue. The shape is definitely yours.”
Silas moved his head slightly, and his lips nearly grazed my forehead. I was aware of everything then. His breath against my skin. My breasts pressed against his arm. My fingers curled around his large bicep. When had I gotten so close? When had I clung to him?Whywas more like it. Inhaling sharply, I jerked myself away and averted my gaze.
Silas made a sound in his throat. “Put the cream on. The burn has to be painful.”
No. I barely felt it. All I sensed, all I recalled, was the feel of his muscles moving beneath my touch.
Sweet Jesus. I touched him. Not just that. I held on to himintimately.
“Peyton.” I swallowed as Silas said my name. “Listen to me.”
Heat engulfed me. “You’re being ridiculous over a simple burn.”
“It’s not simple. I don’t like seeing you hurt.”
Blood rushed to my ears as my heart raced.
I don’t like seeing you hurt.
How was I supposed to comprehend that? I kept blurring things that weren’t meant to be distorted.
“I bought some ACE bandages too,” he went on, oblivious to my inner turmoil.
“I don’t need to wrap it.”
“Wrap it.” His voice brooked no arguments. He’d probably do it himself if I didn’t. I shivered at the idea and snatched the bag, barely concealing my wince in the process.Ow.My palm did hurt, but it was nothing I couldn’t handle. He watched me in silence as I put the ointment on. The relief was instant. I’d never tell him, but I was glad he’d gotten it for me. While it wasn’t terrible right then, it likely would be that night.
Once I finished wrapping, I glared. “Happy?”
He grunted.
“Where did you put the barbecue sauce, Peyton?” Deborah shouted.
“Behind the crock pot,” I replied.
I smiled, then grabbed my son. “I think that’s my cue to help them.”