Page 17 of Villainous Greed
“Fading is what I do when I do this,” August said, right before he disappeared in front of us. When he reappeared, he tapped Cloud’s shoulder behind him. They twirled around. “It’s something my family can do,” he boasted, and I rolled my eyes.
“That’s no different from a portal chip,” Odin said, unimpressed.
“I don’t require a portal chip,” August explained, his mouth flattening in slight annoyance at Odin’s dismissiveness. “I canteleport to anywhere in the human or Underworld within a blink.”.
“Eh.” Odin shrugged and August glared, standing straighter.
When I felt my mouth curving upward, I lowered my head and rubbed my mouth. Was I amused by August’s behavior? How uncomfortable. Well, it hadn’t been at all until I noticed it.
“Nova…?” August called out, and I lifted my head. There was an odd frown on his face.
“Yeah?” I tilted my head.
“Are you unwell?” he asked.
“No, why?”
“The way you had your head lowered had me…” August rubbed the back of his neck and turned away. “It’s nothing. As long as you’re fine.” He didn’t glance my way once while speaking, but when he did, his cheeks reddened, and he scratched his chin. What was that about? I watched for longer than I wanted to admit before I wondered…
Had he been worried? Was that what kept bringing him there? His concern? If that was the case, then I gripped my chest as the weird, warming sensation trickled in.
“Food?” Sofia tugged at August’s shirt.
“Sure.” August ruffled her hair, and my jaw dropped. I did that to them. They didn’t know it, but I sent my love in those little pats. So why was August smiling at them with an expression they’d never received from anyone at the camp? He couldn’t possibly be fond of them so soon. Was Sofia right? Did I think too much when it came to August?
August turned his attention to me. “What would my—” August’s eyes bulged as he stopped mid-sentence. He averted his gaze, running his finger through his hair.
I stiffened, crossing my arms. “What were you about to say?”
His cheeks and ears turned red before he shrugged and pinned me with an impeccable grin. “My little star, of course.”
“What’s that?” I arched one brow.
He looked more his age when he laughed. “A star that burns bright. I’m referring to you. You’re my—”
August didn’t get to finish his sentence before I killed him. I would ponder Sofia’s words, but I would also correct August every time he said words I didn’t like. I wasn’t his.
“You could have waited for him to materialize the food before you killed him!” Odin screeched.
With the fluttering of my heart, I smiled and told him. “August will come again tomorrow.”
Chapter Seven
August came the next day. He watched me warily as I cracked my knuckles in front of him.
“Do you enjoy killing me?” was the first thing he said to me.
“No, but I rather enjoy correcting you,” I stated.
Crossing his arms, Odin exhaled. “For an immortal, August, you’re a little dumb. I mean, not that I’m complaining when you bring us food, but you come here to get killed by Nova every day.”
August gripped Odin’s shoulder. I knew he squeezed him harder than he should with the way Odin’s eyes bulged. “Is that so?” August lifted one brow. Odin jerked away and August laughed.
When August’s dark gaze found mine, he stopped smiling and held out his hand. “I’ll take my payment now.”
I had to make me a new hair tie each night he took mine. It was a far better trade for us than for him. Once he had the tie, he added it with the others on his wrist.