Page 23 of Riordan's Revenge
Surprise chased away some of my pain. In my arms, she was warm, a slight weight that felt good. Somehow not strange. She crossed her ankles behind the small of my back, her dress riding high around her waist so the only thing keeping her decent was me.
Fucking hell.
“What are you doing?” I managed.
Her reply was a whisper. Her lips so close to mine. “The first time I saw ye was in your fight on Divide’s floor. Ye were savage. Ready with your fists and so determined. Know what I wanted in that moment? For ye to hold me, just like this. But that isn’t why I leapt into your arms. You’re upset about something. I can feel it pouring off ye. I also knew there was no way I was going to get under your skin without a chase. You might not be ready to kiss me, but don’t tell me you’re not in need of this, too.”
She tucked her head into the crook of my shoulder.
Goddamned hugged me.
I was frozen. Furious.
Her heat defrosted me until, glacier-slow, I sank into the hug. It was impossible to resist. My head came down next to hers, those curls of hers a soft pillow. My grip on her tightened then settled to a close hold. The pillar supported us both.
When was the last time anyone hugged me for the sake of comfort?
Though I’d relaxed, my heart thundered.
It was all I could hear, the race of my blood in my ears. Then Cassie’s breathing took over. Her steady inhales and exhales. A hitch as I squeezed her closer.
Those bare legs of hers were stretched wide around my middle, and I shifted my hands to make sure her dress covered her. Which meant I was cupping her ass. She made another soft sound.
I inched back to see her face. Her pretty eyes were hazy. Her pink tongue moistened her lips. Too fucking tempting.
I forced out words in a growl. “If you run like that again, I’ll tie you down.”
“Didn’t figure ye for kinky, but I’m game.”
Lightning crackled between us.
Someone cleared their throat.
I whipped around to find Tyler at the end of the corridor.
“Lunch is up. I messaged you both but I can see you’re occupied.”
Fuck. I was on the clock, working for the skeleton crew while allowing myself to get entirely distracted.
In pain, confused,hard, I set Cassie on her feet, ignoring her huff of frustration.
Hugging her, or allowing her to hug me, had been yet another mistake. No matter how good it had felt.
Chapter 9
“Ty,” I commanded the attention of the bear. “Talk murder to me.”
The intercept guy’s blond eyebrows dove together, and he delivered a plate of sandwiches to the table. “Don’t shorten my name. I don’t like it.”
“Ye call me Cass.”
“You’re affectionate and cute. I’m very much not. Besides, no one uses your real name.”
I pointed at Riordan who’d grabbed a sandwich and chowed down like he’d been starved. “He does. He full-names me when he’s grumpy with me.”
Riordan pointedly ignored my tease. He’d fired questions at Tyler about whether there had been anyone seen nearby but had otherwise remained silent.