Page 56 of Riordan's Revenge
I clawed to get closer. Frustrated by his height, I pushed on his shoulders, and Riordan dropped down on the sloped gravel, taking me with him so I was straddling him. He lay back; I plastered myself to his body, his arms tight around me, one spearing into my hair to control my head. He’d redone our first kiss with hearts and flowers. Soft touches and care.
That wasn’t my style at all.
I needed him like this. On the edge of anger and crazy. His fingertips digging in. His need burning bright. It’s how I felt for him all the time.
Our thighs moved against each other’s.
My fingers twisted in his waistband.
With a groan, Riordan rolled us, protecting my head from the damp pebbles with that big hand of his, and settling into the cradle of my hips. I arched into him, his hard dick meeting the juncture of my thighs through too many clothes. Then he grabbed my wrists and held them together, stopping me from touching him.
He kissed my throat, driving his nose up my jaw before lightly biting it. “You make me insane. You’re too wild for me.All I want to do right now is tie you up as punishment for even having those thoughts.”
Breathing hard, I gazed up at his darkened features. “Deal.”
His gaze searched mine. “What?”
“I’ll add that to the offer. Ten nights of belonging to each other. We sleep together. Eat together. And when we have sex, you can tie me up. Either way, I’m calling ye my fiancé when we get back to Deadwater. Take it or leave it.”
I held the eye contact, my heart speeding along so fast I thought it might shatter. It almost did when he finally spoke.
Chapter 18
Climbing off Cassie, I popped the button of my jeans, unzipping my boots next then stripping my lower half aside from my boxers. My jacket followed them in a pile.
On her elbows in the pebbles, she licked her lips.
I controlled a curl of heat. “Don’t look at me like that, wild girl. I’m not taking your virginity on a cold beach.”
“Striptease says otherwise?”
By way of an answer, I turned and strode to the waterline then entered the sea. Freezing water licked my ankles and calves. I muttered a curse and explored the seabed with my hands. Thick seaweed brushed me. Fucking hell.
“Little to the left,” Cassie called from the shore.
I followed the direction.
“Now a little deeper.”
My dick pulsed, unhappy with me for stopping the show, even if it was the right thing to do. Then the water closed over my knees and my balls shrivelled.
“Oh, yeah, baby. Right there,” she crowed.
I shot her an evil glare but my toe touched something square-edged. I plunged my hand in and pulled out the ruined wallet.
Cassie beamed as I trudged back in. “Told ye so.”
I shook it at her, and she squealed and scampered away.
From a distance, she smirked at me.
Shaking off the seawater, I dried myself as best I could then dressed again, putting a hand out to Cassie so we could return to the bike. She gazed at my extended fingers then clutched them.
“We’re holding hands. You’re ridiculously sweet.”