Page 61 of Riordan's Revenge
Riordan lowered his face to mine, his jaw so tight it might crack. “I won’t let it be said that I don’t keep my word. But hear me now. If you want to keep this deal, you’ll never again make a decision for me. Ask me. Consult me. Involve me. Never, ever go over my head. Obey that, and maybe we can do this again.”
With a groan of pain, he pulled out of me and righted my underwear, tugging the quilt over my almost naked form. In angry moves, he got off the bed and dressed again.
Then he went to the door.
Finally, my brain re-engaged. I bucked against the constraint. “Don’t ye dare leave me like this.”
He curled his lip. “Enjoy missing Bronson’s moment in the sun.”
With that, he killed the overhead light and locked me in.
Chapter 20
Silent, I prowled into Cassie’s room, careful not to wake her. After I’d tied her up, she’d cursed me through the walls for a good while then had apparently fallen asleep. Whatever I’d been feeling, guilt argued loudest in my head.
I’d taken a walk. Cooled down.
Slunk back to her like I couldn’t stay away.
In the dark, I climbed onto the bed and untied her, then cuddled the infuriating lass. She didn’t stir. In minutes, I let exhaustion pull me under.
A kick to my shin woke me.
Blinking, I trained my gaze on a furious Cassie.
“So you’re back.”
I shrugged. “We’re supposed to sleep together.”
“Untie me, jackass.”
“I did that hours ago. Your arms are literally wrapped around me, koala girl.” Reaching, I activated my phone’s torch, shining it on the wall to give us light.
She squinted, flexing her hands behind my neck. Pink stole over her cheeks. “What time is it?”
“Not time for Shade to be missing you yet.”
“I hate ye.”
A flicker of unease passed through me. “Don’t say that.”
Her pout faded. “Fine. Maybe I don’t.”
“Even though I was rough with you.” For her first time, I should’ve been reverent. Careful.
“Gentle is boring. Doesn’t mean I’ve forgiven ye though.”
“Ye told Lottie that you loved me.”
Cassie groaned. “Knew that would come back to bite me in the arse.”
“Is it true?”
Something broken shifted inside me, warmth spilling over shattered edges, soothing and stormy at the same time. It felt like repairing damage. It felt fucking wonderful.