Page 85 of Riordan's Revenge
“Don’t put yourself into unnecessary danger.”
I gave up an ungodly sound. The shock and the sting of pain was nothing to the burst of utter pleasure.
“If I’m doing something alone and ask you not to follow me, don’t fucking follow me.”
Another crack of his palm to my cheek. This time, he punctuated the act with a punishing thrust into me. My pussy throbbed with the warning of an orgasm.
Riordan groaned. “I ought to stop. Deny you. I will unless you tell me you learned a lesson. If not for your own sake then for mine.”
I didn’t reply. I couldn’t.
Holding my hips, Riordan slid in and out of me. The rough fill and glide tormented my body in the best possible way. I hadn’t seen a way out of the evening that could be anything good, but I’d been so wrong.
But true to his word, Riordan stopped, his fingers on the globes of my ass, and his dick buried deep inside. “I won’t seek to control you, but I can’t handle the thought of you following me into something dangerous. I could’ve fought my way out of that, if caught. But if you’d been grabbed without me even knowing you were there, I’d have lost you. How would you have felt if it was the other way around?”
Well, shite. That was different. Suddenly, I got his panic.
“At least tell me you understand.”
Slowly, I nodded, my hair ruffling on the bed. “I do.”
Riordan growled approval, then took off fucking me again. Every thrust hit somewhere inside that built pleasure in a slow, insistent pull. My whole body tensed up, everything winding tighter and tighter. Riordan rocketed into me then lifted my hips from the bed so there was space between my body and the mattress. Without slowing, he angled his free hand to slap me sharply between my thighs, right onto my clit.
I moaned and throbbed. Nearly collapsed from how good it felt. He repeated the action, raining three sharp slaps to my pussy like he had my backside. Each drove pleasure through my swollen flesh like nothing I’d ever felt before.
At the last, I detonated. Mindless pleasure spilled through me, my pussy pulsing around his dick. Riordan gave up a gasp and sank into me as hard as he could one final time, then he came, too.
The sensation broke me. I forgot to tell him I loved him. I couldn’t speak at all. It was all too utterly, exhaustingly perfect.
A minute on, and he peeled himself off my back and picked me up. In the bathroom, he switched on the shower and placed me on my feet. Then he peered around.
“Need something?” I managed.
“Soap and towels would be good, but your curls don’t like steam, so I was looking for a solution.”
He’d remembered. Hecared.
From in my toiletries bag, I found body wash and a shower cap with a cute kitty cat design. Then I scampered to the bedroom to retrieve another bag with towels. All the things Manny had arranged to be brought up for us.
In the bathroom, Riordan waited, a hand out to lead me into the shower. Warm water rained down on me, and I shivered, huddling into his body as he closed us in.
For a minute, he held me, then squeezed shower gel onto his palm and set about washing me. The soapy suds and his sure fingers cleaned my body, removing the cum from my skin and between my legs.
I reached for him so I could reciprocate, but he stopped me. Kissed me instead. Even though he was hard again, his dick pinned between us.
Everything he did, I let him.
He was leading me. Owning the kiss. Stopping us from having sex again. Something in it calmed my system, and my mind quietened.
Part of it was trust.
Part of it was fear.
When we were done, Riordan bundled us into towels then found clothes from the bags. A crew shirt for him with grey sweats, soft leggings and a hoodie for me.
As meek and docile as a lamb, I let him dress me.
“I bought food. Should still be warm.”