Page 30 of The Knotty Clause
“I can handle them,” he assured her. “You and Liam stay here where it’s safe. Lock the door and don’t open it until I get back.”
Liam watched, wide-eyed, from his perch on the bench, his sweet roll forgotten.
“You’re not going out there alone,” she said. “This is my fight too.”
“Absolutely not. It’s too dangerous. Let me handle this.”
“No.” She stepped closer, placing her hand on his arm. “I can’t just hide here. I need to face them—not just for me, but for everyone else still trapped at the mine.”
He hesitated. The urge to protect her, to keep her safely hidden away, battled with his knowledge of her strength and courage. But if anything happened to her…
“I won’t risk losing you.” His voice came out gruff, strained by emotion.
“You won’t lose me.” She gave him a determined look, her eyes blazing. “I can do this. I need to do this.”
Gemma watched Yede’s face anxiously and saw the moment he gave in. Good. She wouldn’t let him face the miners alone, especially not when it was she and Liam they were after.
“Stay behind me,” he growled. “If I say run, you run.”
She nodded, despite having no intention of abandoning him. He handed her his rifle.
“Do you know how to use this?”
She shook her head and he quickly showed her the basics. It seemed simple enough, although she wasn’t sure if she would have the courage to actually use it.
“Mama?” Liam whispered, his face as pale as it had been when they arrived. “Do we have to go back?”
She sat down on the bench next to him and pulled him onto her lap.
“No, baby. Yede and I will never let that happen.”
He looked from her to Yede, then nodded, the trust on his face making her heart ache.
“Now let’s get you tucked away for a little while.”
She guided him to the hidden storage space Yede had shown her. The metal panel slid aside smoothly, revealing a cozy nook lined with emergency supplies.
“Stay here, sweetheart, and don’t come out until I say,” she whispered, brushing his hair back and placing a gentle kiss on his forehead. Despite her fear, she kept her voice steady, not wanting to frighten him.
He nodded solemnly, his eyes far too old for his face. She helped him settle into the space, making sure he had his favorite blanket and a few toys to keep him occupied, as well as more of the sweet rolls.
Yede bent down next to her.
“Don’t worry, little one. You are safe here and when we return, we’ll make some more decorations. How does that sound?”
Liam managed a smile and nodded.
“Good boy.” He stroked the boy’s head, then turned to her. “Time to go.”
Her pulse pounded as she followed him to the entrance. The door slid open with a whisper, letting in a gust of frosty air that stung her cheeks. She could hear voices—the men were almost at the entrance.
She moved to his side, trying to mimic his calmness as three dark silhouettes approached through the snow, Garth’s hulkingform unmistakable in the lead. Yede’s solid presence behind her gave her strength, even as nausea churned in her stomach.
All three men came to a halt, staring in shock at Yede.
“What the fuck is that?” Garth sneered.