Page 58 of Savage Beauty
“What was wrong with the smoothie?”
“Too grainy.”
“Ah. I get that. My mom and sister don’t like it when I put too much powder in it either. Next time, I won’t use so much.”
For several minutes, we eat silently, as if neither of us has eaten in days. When the hunger is satiated, I push the bowl of oatmeal back and reach for the coffee mug.
“So, what’s the plan for today?”
“I’ve got a call in an hour with the team to review logistics. I think we’ll fly out tomorrow.”
“Why not today?”
“Well, that private plane we flew in didn’t stay here with us. It’s a company plane and they’re scheduling the return to pick us up.”
“We can fly commercial.”
“We’d rather not send your identity through customs, so we aren’t going to do that.”
“I have some alternate passports in that duffel. I could use one of those.”
“You know, we haven’t really talked about it. Did you think it was odd he created alternate identities for both of his sisters?”
“He was cautious.” I push away from the kitchen and jog up the stairs to grab the laptop.
“We also have weapons. Can’t easily fly those commercial,” he says as I’m halfway up the stairs.
When I return with the laptop and the list of passwords, Max is at the sink washing a pot. “I should do that, right? You cooked.” Those were the rules at my house.
“Nah. I got this.”
“Thank you.” I open the laptop and set the passwords aside to see what I can access without being on the employee network. He slides a plate of cubed cheese my way. I’m not hungry, but I do like cheese. I pop one in my mouth and tap on the laptop.
“Don’t go accessing anything from here.” He adds green grapes to the plate of cubed cheese.
“What? Why?”
“You’re not protected. If they’re looking for you, you could lead them straight to our door. Let’s wait. Let me find out from Erik what we should do.”
“If I can find that report, we can share it. If you’re right, and all of this is over keeping that report hidden, then sharing it means there’s no reason to come after me.”
“Who would benefit from that report not seeing the light of day?”
It’s a question I’ve pondered. “I know you think it’s someone at Origins Labs, but I think it might be the investors. My report showed that a viable alternative could significantly improve black market transplant survival rates. Maybe some investors have more to gain from existing options…” But that makes little sense. The circular debate goes nowhere.
“You realize your boss has to be in on this, right?”
“She’s not.” My response is immediate.
“It’s the only thing that makes sense. She’s the one you mentioned the report to.”
“But I accessed databases from multiple sources and had to login with my username to do so. If anyone was monitoring those databases, they’d know who accessed it. Just like last night. Someone knew we had entered that building. And besides, if you knew Dr. Kallio, you’d agree with me. She’s trustworthy.”
“People can surprise you. Even people you think you know well. But there’s no point in arguing. The only thing that will change your mind is evidence. I get that. I’ve been there.”
My big toenail is bordering on too long and needs to be clipped, and I can’t stop looking at it. “You know, you’re wrong about Dr. Kallio. And she’s still missing.”
“True. Once we get that laptop to our team, they’ll discover all the secrets on it.”