Page 37 of Sinful Beauty
Peltz’s office door opens, and he scowls. Given my office door remains closed, it’s obvious I’ve just arrived. And it might appear questionable that I’ve chosen to stand behind his assistant’s desk, quite near her chair, before entering my office.
But, he’s a putz, so I simply straighten and head to my office.
My hand touches the knob, and he calls, “Tristan. Come see me.”
His tone is one of disciplinarian. And I’ll grant him, I deserve it. Day three of the job and I’m showing up hours late. It’s a good thing I didn’t warm to Peltz immediately. Otherwise I’d hate disappointing him. As it is, he’s a wanker so he can stuff it.
Lucia’s gaze remains averted as I pass. It’s a reminder I shouldn’t have approached her at the office. We agreed to keep things on the down low. While I’m not staying here, she appears to care about her position for some ungodly reason, and I don’t wish to jeopardize her future.
Two steps into his office, and he announces, “I’m moving you onto the ZenFire account team.”
Zenfire is the largest pharmaceutical company in the world. They’ve worked closely with Lumina for ages. The former CEO is my godfather. He died a few years ago, but he was one of my father’s closest friends despite a good ten to fifteen year age difference.
“Excellent.” And it truly is, because now I can ask about William Salo. Pelz doesn’t offer a seat in his office, but I take one and cross an ankle over my knee. “Am I taking over William Salo’s position?”
“Did you know William?”
The past tense reference to a man currently fighting for his life intrigues.
“No,” I admit. “But I read about him. A curious situation. What happened exactly?”
“Unfortunate incident on holiday.”
“I heard it was a rather sordid affair.”
He lets out a sigh and takes a seat on his throne. “Rumors can’t be trusted. I hesitate to ask, but what have you heard?”
“Lover’s quarrel. Something of that sort.” I pick at nonexistent lint on my trouser socks while I await his response.
I’ve read every article about William Salo’s misfortune. Most describe it as an incident currently under investigation. All mention a knife wound. None mention the woman attacking him was his ex-lover. It all happened in Grand Cayman, and William Salo is a middle management business executive, so it’s not surprising the incident received minimal news coverage.
“Please don’t go spreading rumors. He was a good man.”
“Was? Did he pass?”
“No. Not yet.” He scratches at his eyebrow, removes his spectacles, and takes out a cloth to clean the lenses. “But his prognosis is dim. And yes, his misfortune is the reason there’s an opening in his group. I’ll need you to continue working on the Myacin pitch. But, that shouldn’t take much of your time. That project is really more for you to get your teeth wet.” Our eyes lock. “You’ve still got a lot to learn, you know?”
“Go to the third floor and find Kendra Plymouth. She was Salo’s assistant and she can help bring you up to speed.”
“And Tristan.” My skin crawls at the way the putz says my name.
“Sexual harassment is a real thing. We won’t tolerate it. Even from you.”
“I would expect nothing less.”
“I’m serious. Lumina International has a strict non fraternization policy.”
“My parents met here.” Yes, I sound like a spoilt child, but that is my role.
“Times have changed. A fact you’ll do well to remember.”