Page 43 of Sinful Beauty
“William?” She smooths the front of her dress with her palms. Sadly, her ravishing locks remain knotted in place. Something I’ll need to rectify tonight. Possibly before dinner. “You heard about him?”
“Read something in the paper. What’s the real story?”
“An affair went south.”
“That’s all it was?”
“I think.”
Her brow wrinkles, and she casts her gaze downward.
“Do you know more than you’re saying?”
“I’ll tell you later. I should go before, you know, some of you really does run down my leg.”
I grin, because yes, I am a cad.
I follow her out of the office, and she scurries down the hallway to the lavatory. By the time she returns, our computers are both turned off and I’m holding her things.
“You just assumed I’m done for the day?”
“Are you not? No one else is here.”
“Someone’s here. I promise you. And you shouldn’t assume I’m done.” The glare she throws my way tells me I’d better straighten my act if I’m going to get another chance to fuck her tonight. And I’d like to fuck her again. Maybe in the shower. I’d also like to have her coming on my tongue.
“Will you grace me with your company tonight over dinner? Please.”
She acquiesces and I follow her out, careful to remain a step behind so I can watch that bare ass flex beneath the flimsy dress.
The security guard sees exactly what I’m looking at as we pass. He raises one eyebrow, as if questioning me. I respond with a self-satisfied smirk.
It’s not until we’re seated at a small intimate bistro that our conversation resumes. In the candle lit light, she’s stunning. There’s a soft glow to her cheeks, and I rather like possessing the knowledge of the carnal activities that provided the energized glow.
“What?” Her question brings me out of my daze.
“Admiring your beauty.”
One arm crosses below her breast while she holds the wine glass out in front. Defensive. She doesn’t trust me and I suppose that’s entirely understandable.
“What do you know about William Salo?” Her question takes me by surprise. It’s precisely the direction I need to head, but it’s rather intriguing she was thinking about the man, too.
“Not much.” I sip my wine, studying her dark brown eyes, nearly pitch black in the shadows. Her skin is smooth. There’s no sign of distress.
“Did someone mention him to you?”
“Nelson Peltz mentioned him as I’m taking over some of his responsibilities.” I swirl my wine. She said earlier it was an affair that went south, but there was far more to it. How much does she know? And why does she know it? “Did you know him well?”
“He was one of Mr. Peltz’s two downs, but he was up for a promotion. It’s really sad what happened because he was going to get the promotion.”
My skin tingles. Lucia might have exactly the information I need to track down who Salo was working with. If it’s Peltz, then all that remains is finding the evidence.
“Mr. Salo was relatively new to Lumina, right? Less than a year? Who was championing his meteoric rise within the company?”
“Are you seeking a similarly rapid rise to the top?” Her flirty smile would be delicious if I didn’t feel so close to valuable information.
“I won’t need a champion to rise to the top.”
She narrows her eyes. “Are you sure about that?”