Page 84 of Sinful Beauty
“Do you have an update?” He sounds too jocular, like perhaps he topped one or two off at the pub over lunch and I do not have the time.
“You removed fingers?” He counters. “Didn’t build up to it? Jumped straight to bodily dismemberment?”
“He’s still got the pertinent limbs.”
“One does. One chaps missing his head. I’d call that a pertinent body part.”
The wheels screech as I whip out onto the street. The general direction I’m headed is in the navigation. I’ll need a more specific location in less than ninety minutes.
“You’re emotional Tristan.”
“They have an innocent woman.”
“Is your cover blown? You think that’s what this is? They have her because of you?”
“I don’t have any idea why they have her. But given the rate of disappearing witnesses, and she’s worked at Lumina for eight years, my best guess is her abduction is related.”
I scan the rearview as I drive. Not seeing anyone suspicious, I opt to forego surveillance avoidance techniques and head straight for Lucia. If someone wants to follow me, let them catch me. I’ll milk them for intel and then end them.
“And your cover?”
I exhale out as I shift onto the express road. “No, if anything, my cover is more solid than ever. I skipped out on three meetings this afternoon. My position as useless nepo beneficiary is solidified.”
“Will that be enough for them to fire you, do you think?”
“In a normal company, absolutely. In a company founded by my family, that remains to be seen. But something tells me we’re getting close. Once I find Lucia, we’ll crack this case, and I’ll quit if they don’t terminate me.”
“I’m only going to say this once. And I don’t want you to argue. I simply want you to listen. You’ve got a ninety-minute drive in front of you to process what I’m about to say.”
“Go ahead.”
“You’ve fallen for this girl.” My gaze cuts to the side view and I grit my teeth. “Don’t argue with me.”
“Wasn’t going to.”
“Ah, so you admit it?”
I adjust my rearview. “Thought I was supposed to just listen.”
“Right. Well, you’re emotional. You’re likely to take unnecessary risks when emotional. Force yourself to put that into perspective. I’d like to avoid an international embarrassment. Limit the body count. Also, remember if you slaughter those you find, it will make our day in court much more difficult.”
“Does Penny have an address?”
“The team is reviewing property deeds in the area. Triangulating any connection to known players, those dead and alive. We should have potential locations soon. On another note, Solonov has been detained.”
“Why didn’t you lead with that?”
“British SAS nabbed him. I’ve got a friend in the interrogation room. I’ll let you know if we get anything useful out of him, but you and I both know that’s unlikely. A man with his training isn’t going to give anything up, and the SAS won’t resort to removing appendages.”
“I’ll notify Jack Sullivan. We’re getting close, and he’s going to want to put extra protection on the Wagner women. Anything else?”
“No. I’ll be in touch. Keep your head about you. We’ll find her.”
Damn right I will.
The call ends and I announce to Siri to call Jack Sullivan.
He answers on the fourth ring.