Page 92 of Sinful Beauty
“He checked—how? What exactly did the doctor do?”
“He had a sonogram machine. At least, that’s what I think it was. It looked old. The plastic was faded and dingy. He didn’t find a heartbeat, but he said it could be the machine or that I’m too early.” Tristan’s wearing a watch band I haven’t seen before. It’s thick black rubber. “He told me I wouldn’t be having the baby. I offered to take a pill, to abort it, if he’d just let me go.” My eyes burn and I breathe in deeply. I can’t cry. I need my vision. “I don’t think he wanted?—”
A dizzy sensation overwhelms me and I press myself harder against the wall.
“He knew you were pregnant?”
Nausea circles, but I know I won’t vomit. I can’t. There’s nothing to vomit.
“Lucia, come here, love.” I hesitate, but allow him to cup my elbow and pull me into his chest. His heart beats beneath my ear and I close my eyes as they fill with tears. His arms wrap around me and I stand there, resting against him, willing the dizziness to lessen.
“I almost lost my mind. I feared the worst.” He presses his lips to the top of my head and his arms around me tighten.
“Who are they?”
“I don’t know. But, I promise you I will find out. I thought it was a case I was working on, but the pregnancy…that doesn’t equate.”
“A case?”
“I work for Interpol. No one knows. I’ve been trying to pinpoint some bad people that I believe work for Lumina. I thought they had you.” His palm rubs up and down my back.
“So you didn’t take me to force me to not have the baby?” From what he’s saying, it sounds like he didn’t, but I need clarity.
He pulls back and holds onto my arms. “I told you the truth. If you want this child, I’ll be there. For you and the baby. It’s…in my line of work, it’s not necessarily ideal, but we’ll make it work. Lucia, I love you. I don’t think I fully realized it until they took you, but Lucia, if I lost you…I’d lose myself. I’m not letting them near you again.”
It only took someone kidnapping me for him to realize he loved me. That’s not particularly heart-warming. But my heart pipes up, arguing with my head, saying he loves me.
“I had a whole grovel planned. I fucked up royally with my reaction. I’m so sorry. It’s just…I was taken completely off guard.”
“So was I.”
“I know. It’s no excuse. Believe me, I know.”
His fingers go back to his ear, and losing the heat from his touch has me replacing his hand with mine. My thoughts are slow as he tilts his head.
“How many?” He asks the air. I look closer and see a device in his ear. He’s speaking to someone. “Copy. I’m going to secure Lucia, then I’ll meet the team downstairs.”
“What’s going on?”
“We’ve got company.”
“What do you mean by secure me?”
“There’s a cellar on the first floor. If there’s gunfire, you’ll be safe.”
He tugs my hand, attention on the door. “It’s about a five-minute drive through the estate. We don’t have much time. Let’s go.”
“Who’s coming?”
“I’m not sure, but someone left you here alone. I don’t expect the caravan to be friendly.”
I follow him to the stairs, lagging his urgent steps.
“Do you need me to carry you?”
“What? No.”
“Then hurry.”