Page 11 of Return To You
I smile slightlyas I run my finger over the bracelet Noah placed on my wrist as he gently runs his lip ring over my shoulder, half my body leaning against his.
The silver is glittering, the dark blue rose is so beautiful, and the color matches his eyes.
It’s perfect….
"What did your dad say before we left, Petal?" he asks, his breath sending shivers down my spine as he gently grabs my wrist and runs his thumb over the rose.
I smile a little. "He said I look beautiful, and he's proud of me."
I feel his lips tilt against my skin as the limo slows to a stop, and my heart races.
The school paid for prom to be at Kingston Hotel, and it's quite fancy—not my kind of scene despite my father having money.
I didn't really want to go to prom. I mean, I know this will be my only chance. Ms. Dipper confirmed I've made it; I get tograduate this year with honors, which is amazing, but honestly, just spending the evening and possibly the night with Noah is all that I want, but I know he wanted me to have the experience.
"Are you ready, my Petal?" he murmurs, gently kissing behind my ear. I turn a little, smiling as our lips touch, making him smile back.
"Not really, but I'm looking forward to an evening with you," I reply in a whisper, adding, “and hopefully the night,” under my breath.
He hums, caressing my lips, the coolness of his lip ring soothing me as the door opens.
Sending me a wink, he climbs out first and leans down, offering his hand, which I gladly take. He then helps me out of the limo, ensuring I don't fall. I thank the driver before looking straight ahead, and grin.
"Well, don't you boys look sharp and dapper," I say as Noah wraps his arm around my waist. His best friends, who have become like brothers to me, stand tall, both looking handsome in matching black button-down shirts, and slacks.
Cameron grins wide, lifting the collar of his shirt, muttering, "Why thank you, sweetheart."
I laugh as Barnett smacks the back of his head, walks my way, and kisses my cheek. "You look stunning, Ro," he rasps, and I give him a big smile.
"Thank you, Barnett," I whisper, causing him to smile back, and then look at Noah.
He raises a brow. "How in the fuck did you manage to get this one?"
I snort, and Noah shrugs, admitting, "I have no idea. It must be my kissing skills."
I push him slightly, feeling my cheeks heat, making him laugh as Cameron adds, "Well, it can't be your looks, that's for sure; otherwise, she would have come my way."
Noah growls, and I outright laugh as his arm tightens around me.
Shaking his head, Barnett says, "We have to do the first five sets, and then the evening is ours, which is good because Lucy promised me head later."
I scrunch my nose up in distaste, making them laugh as Noah guides me up the steps toward the hotel, the boys following behind, shooting the shit.
We take photos, which I'm glad we did before going through the gold double doors. Everyone looks our way as Noah guides me into the massive hall decked out with balloons and different blues, from the flowers to the tablecloths, and the chair covers; the theme is underwater.
It kind of looks tacky but nice, if that makes sense.
Noah ignores everyone who tries to get his attention and guides me to a table closest to the stage. He gently kisses my lips and rasps, "Stay here, alright?"
I nod, and he grins and kisses me again before going off with his friends to the back of the stage. Both boys kiss my head as they pass. A few girls come and stand around me, trying to ask me questions about the band, but I just ignore them, focusing on the mic, ready to see my man.
Hours later, gently, Noah glides his hands into my hair as our bodies sway to the music.
"I'd better get you home, Petal; otherwise, you'll turn into a pumpkin."
After he sang five songs, he spent the rest of the evening with me. We laughed, danced, ate absolutely disgusting food, and danced some more. Even if the song was fast, he danced slowly, swaying with me in his arms, holding me close.
He dedicated two songs to me, making me blush, but I wouldn't have it any other way because this man consumes me.