Page 14 of Return To You
In the past three weeks since we gave ourselves to each other, we’ve become closer, if that’s even possible; the thought of not having her near me gives me fucking hives.
The morning after prom, I woke with her body over mine, my cock hard and still inside her, and without even thinking, Iremoved my cock from her tight heat, took off the wet, blood-coated condom, and re-sheathed myself before slowly entering her again. I spent five minutes keeping my hips still while kissing her lips over and over, until she woke and gently rode me slowly until we both came.
Afterward, we spent nearly two hours in the tub, and since I’d spent as much time inside her as I could, my body and my cock were not able to get enough.
Whether it’s in the music room at school or my beat-up car, I always have her at least once a day, needing her tight heat, needing her fucking connected to me.
The boys chuckle behind me, still fucking around, and I sigh, needing my woman.
I have not seen her today, and I don’t like it.
Knowing she gave me her virginity, that I gave her mine, has made me so fucking happy but I don’t like to be away from her for long.
Yeah, I get it, I have the bad boy look going, but honestly, none of the fucking girls interested me before Rose came into my life, and now, I’m glad they didn’t, because she got all of me.
“How are you feeling, son? Are you happy to finally be done with school?” Nick asks from my left. I turn and grin at him, my smile falling a little when I see my mother, shock overriding me.
She smiles gently, looking fucking sober and normal as she croaks, “I’m proud of you, Noah….”
I nod, too many emotions filling me that she’s actually here, and Nick pats my back. “We’re both proud of you, Noah, so fucking proud.”
I smile. “Thanks, Dad….”
He grins, then looks around. “Now, where is my soon-to-be daughter-in-law?”
I hum, looking around, and reply, “That’s what I’d like to know. She said she’d be here, but I can’t fucking find her.”
“All students to their seats; all students to their seats,” a voice echoes, and I grit my teeth.
“We’ll keep an eye out, Noah; maybe she’s just running late,” Mom tries to soothe, and I nod, looking around again.
“Seriously, some girlfriend she is, not being here for your graduation,” Gina scoffs from behind Mom, and I glare her way before noticing Piper standing next to her, her eyes eating me up.
For fuck’s sake.
Piper grins when she notices she has my attention, and I sneer as the speaker repeats that everyone should take a seat.
I go to snap at my sister and tell Piper to leave before my girl sees her when my mother snaps instead, “Gina, pack that shit in and take a seat, Piper, you shouldn’t even be here!”
I look at her in shock again, but she doesn’t look my way, instead she storms off and goes to take her seat.
Nick pats my back, widening his eyes my way before following her.
“Noah,” Piper tries, and I look her way and raise a brow, “I-I uh, look you and I?—”
I huff, fed up with her bullshit and cut her off, lifting my hand, showing her my ring finger. Her eyes widen as I snap, “Rose is my girl, not you, so give it a fucking rest, Piper. There is no you and I, there never has been, and the fact you’re clinging to my little sister to get to me is fucking pathetic.”
Her mouth drops open, shocked I called her on her bullshit, but I ignore her and sneer at my little sister for the bullshit she’s trying to cause by bringing Piper, and walk away to my seat, my eyes scanning the crowd, my little redhead nowhere to be seen.
Sighing, I take my seat, feeling fucking angry and hurt that she’s not here, which doesn’t help my agitation.
Fuck’s sake where is she? I’m only here for her….
I sit for over a fucking hour, my fingers itching for a smoke while person after fucking person speaks, then have to sit even longer and watch everyone in my class accept their diplomas. I had to fucking watch my mother and Nick scream and shout with pride, along with my friends, including Rose’s fucking father, who showed up half an hour into the ceremony with Vanessa as I accepted my diploma, all while my girl was a no-show, a fucking no-show.
Fuck, even Piper stood on her chair and screamed for me. FuckingPiper.
And even now, I can’t just get up and storm away because of the several fucking students on either side of me. Instead, I now have to endure another boring speech from the Valedictorian, whose identity the dean has kept a secret for some reason.