Page 24 of Return To You
My plans for the future have changed dramatically. Instead of going into marine biology, which is what I originally wanted, hoping to progress to training dolphins one day, I’ve changed my degree to business.
With that degree, I have a better chance of getting a job that pays well, and besides, I haven’t got six years to give to get my degree. I need a decent job, and I need one fast.
Getting my associate’s degree will get me a job as an assistant, and I can work my way up within a business management and accounting setting while, hopefully, completing my Bachelor's.
It’s not my dream job working with mammals and learning their behaviors, but it's something that will bring in the money, and keep the small two-bedroom apartment I’ve been renting for five months now over our heads.
It’s not just me that I have to think about now; I need to think about my son and what he needs….
“Congratulations, Rose, it’s a boy,” The nurse says excitedly as I breathe heavily, dropping my sweaty head back on the pillows, sobs wracking my body as a baby screams.
I’m tired, so tired, and I’m alone…. Twenty-nine hours in labor with no one holding my hand, encouraging me.
I look up as the nurse places my son on my chest, ensuring my gown is open for skin-on-skin contact, and I look down, only to sob some more.
His eyes are dark blue like Noah’s, but his thin hair is dark red like mine….
His screams quiet down as he stares at me, and I whisper, “Welcome to the world, Diego Nicholas Scott….”
I blink as a woman thanks me when I put down a mushroom omelet, and I give her a smile before heading to table eight. I clean up their dirties, wipe the table, and grab the $5 tip, placing it in my white apron.
I gave in that day, the day my son was born.
I was emotional and alone, scared, no terrified actually, and I sent a picture of Diego to my dad and Noah.
My dad never messaged me back, and Noah’s didn’t deliver.
It was then I knew changing my degree was the best option for us.
I take the dirty dishes to the window. Frank, the large chef, gives me a nod, his bald head shining under the lights. I turn, heading back out on the floor but grabbing the coffee pot on the way to do refills, silently counting down the hours until I can clock off.
I started working at Katie’s Diner two days after I stopped in a small town in Fremont.
I had no idea what I was going to do, but I needed gas, saw the “Hiring” sign in her window just off the highway, and decided to walk in. I was honest about how I ended up in Grave’s Hill, and she hired me, and then directed me to the motel a few miles down the road.
They allowed me to stay for free after I gave them Katie’s name, coming up with a solution; I cleaned for them every day.
On top of working full-time at the diner and cleaning the motel daily, I was trying to figure out what degree would be best with the scholarship I was offered.
Now, after working my butt off despite being pregnant, I managed to get us a small apartment. I sleep on a mattress inone room, all my clothes hanging in the tiny closet, while all my wages and savings go to Diego.
His room includes a crib, a dark blue dresser, a changing table, and toys. He has everything he needs, and that’s all that matters to me.
“And now for the news…. After returning from his fifth tour, Alejandro Lopez has officially become the CEO of Lopez Tech, taking over from his father, Rafael Lopez.
Alejandro and his wife were seen on the red carpet for a charity event where they donated one million to people experiencing homelessness. He married his long-term high school girlfriend last year in a lavish wedding, and commented that everyone he loved was in attendance to celebrate their day….”
I zone out, ignoring the diner’s radio, and continue refilling coffees.
Everyone he loved was in attendance, huh?
I didn’t even know they were engaged, let alone married, until three months ago when I heard Cal died in active duty.
His parents thought I had a right to know, and told me about the funeral. They let slip that Alejandro married Vanessa, and I wasn’t even invited.
My brother disowned me a week after I left Kingstonville after his girlfriend slapped me, and he allowed it….
“Hey, sis,” Al rasps when I walk into the cafe off the freeway, halfway between Fremont and Kingstonville.