Page 12 of Piston
Dad, no,Henrynever even asked how I settled into school life or sent me an “Are you okay?” message. I heard nothing, only for him to call and shout at me for, apparently, threatening to hurt his wife.
She was hoping I’d delete the video I had of her and Chris, and tried to manipulate Henry, stating I recorded her pleasuring herself, and was going to upload it.
God, he even threatened to take legal action, and stated I wasn’t his daughter any longer, and wanted nothing to do with me. Until last week, when he showed up at the diner where I work with the step-monster in tow, demanding I take little brother in for the week so he can take Christy away to Europe.
“He’s your brother, Natalie. The least you can do is finally be the big sister you were supposed to be to him,” my father snaps, and I outright laugh, shaking my head.
Sneering, I remind him, “Funny, because I wasn’t even allowed to hold him after he was born ‘Dad.’” He swallows hard, his blue eyes widening a little. I scoff, “What, you’re suddenlyforgotten all the threats you gave me if you saw me near him, because you didn’t want my birth mother’s filth on him?” He looks down in shame. Still, I’m not done. “Or how about when Christy answered her phone to talk to her friend and was gone for over two hours, leaving Cooper unattended, and you walked in to find me trying to keep him entertained?” I take a menacing step forward. “Remember what you did ‘Dad’, what you said to me?”
“Natalie, I—” he tries, but I cut him off.
I snap, “No. You said my filth wasn’t welcome near your child, then you slapped your own daughter!”
“I made a mistake, Natalie—” he tries again.
“A mistake….” I chuckle darkly, “How about you not being there when I graduated high school with honors, or when I left for college? Were they also mistakes?” I direct a raised brow at a smug Christy, who instantly pales at the mention the day I moved out. I look back at my so-called father. “Or how about the fact I’ve only heard from you once since you banned me from yours and Christy's home. I don’t know if your keeping tabs, ‘Dad,’ but that was three years ago.” I shake my head, taking a step back. “You’re only here because your wife wants what she wants, and you have a troubled child on your hands, who’s most likely acting out from the lack of parenting from his so-called mother, while you work twenty-four seven.”
I turn to leave, but Dad speaks up again, “I’m still your father, Natalie, he’s still your brother.”
I stop, keeping my back to him, and remind him, “Funny, because you’re the one who stated I was no longer your daughter, and you’re the one who threatened to take legalaction against something I never even did. I refuse to allow you to use me.” I turn my head and look at step-monster, and demand, “Get the hell out of my workplace, and take that man with you, before I get my phone out and show him the truth, because I can guarantee you will lose everything.”
Her eyes widen and she grabs my dad’s arm. He starts snapping at her, demanding to know what I meant, but I ignore them, grabbing the coffee pot to do a round of refills.
I refuse to entertain them any longer.
Since then, he’s tried contacting me several times, but I’ve ignored him.
My boss at the diner agreed that he wasn’t welcome after the second attempt he made to see me, and now he’s resorted to contacting me on unknown numbers.
Lucky me….
I don’t know why he wants to get a hold of me so badly, and I don’t care. I won’t let him use me, even for my brother, a brother I have no connection or bond with. I bet Cooper wouldn’t even recognize me if he saw me.
Trying to put my past behind me, I walk out of the building as Marcus unlocks the door.
“See you next weekend, Nat,” he says, and I smile at him.
“Have a good week, Marcus. Give my love to Mabel,” I reply, then rummage through my bag for my keys.
I mumble to myself, “Where are you…” trying to find my car keys. When my finger loops through the key chain, I blurt, “Gotcha!" before bumping into the light pole near my car.
“Ouch,” I mutter, rubbing my leg.
I hear a chuckle.
My head snaps up, and I lock eyes with dark green ones. My stomach flutters instantly as Piston leans against his black Harley in simple jeans and a tee, his cut covering it.
“You know, over the past three years, I’ve noticed something about you,” he says, and I raise a brow as I walk toward him. When we’re close, he grips my hips and pulls me into him, my hands going to his chest. He continues, “Fuck, you are one clumsy woman….”
I groan, dropping my forehead to his chest as it rumbles with his laughter.
“If you think that was bad, not only did I allow three-year-olds to paint, which I really don’t recommend, but I kicked the mop bucket over, and then slipped and fell on my ass,” I admit, my side still a little sore.
He laughs harder, holding me tighter, and I sigh in contentment at having his arms around me. I place my ear over his heart, and its beat soothes me.
“Happy graduation day, Piston,” I mumble, and he sighs, his laughter dying, his arms tightening around me as he breathes deep, his head leaning against mine.
“Thanks, Diamond,” he rasps back, and I move back a little, looking at him. He gives me a sad smile, the only indication that he’s going to miss me, before his lips touch mine in a sweet, caressing kiss.