Page 22 of Piston
She grips her car door handle but yanks it too hard, causing the door to fling open and connect with her shoulder, and I wince, knowing that it is going to bruise.
“Still fucking clumsy as ever,” I sigh as she lifts her hand and snaps, “Shut up!”
I smirk as she glares my way before climbing into her car, slamming the door for good measure but she winces, indicating it hit her again, and I shake my head, chuckling.
Fucking woman. See, this is why she wormed her way into my heart; she’s fucking adorable.
With a silent groan at the thought of the next few hours of torture, I climb onto my bike and start her up. I give Nat a nod, and she drives off, and I follow while trying to will my cock to soften.
It’s what she always does to me, and sometimes I wish I were the forgiving type, that I was the type to be in a healthy relationship, but I’m just not.
She’s better off without me, and I’m better off without a woman that manipulates me.
I just have to convince my heart of that.
I smile as Holly tries to explain how one of the dogs Canine is training for guard dog duty on club property bit his butt this morning, all while feeling Acid and Piston staring at me.
Steeling myself for a lackluster evening of sex with my husband was hard enough, but now, I’m stuck at my first family meal, not able to say no to Holly and Meredith. I’m ready to bolt, which I think the boys know, which is why they’re staring at me like I’m the next best show on TV.
They wouldn’t be wrong, though. My eyes have traveled to the door several times, not wanting to be interrogated because the same old questions come up whenever I see these two women.
Don’t get me wrong, I love them dearly, you know, they’ve become family, which is good, considering I only really have my brother, but they always ask when we’re going to have a child, and thankfully it’s never been in front of Piston. He still believes I tried to trap him by falsifying a pregnancy test which I’m 99%sure is the reason why he won’t let me orgasm, which is shitty…and I will be getting my revenge.
Both women look at me while Holly talks, and my stomach tightens. I have a feeling they’re about to bring it up, I just know it. I’ve managed to divert them each time, but today, I won’t be able to, and Piston will get pissed and bring up my “trapping him” again.
“You seem tired, Nat,” Acid offers, bringing me into the conversation and redirecting everyone’s attention to me. I stare daggers at him.
To my disappointment, he doesn’t cower; he only grins, taking a bite out of his chicken, which I hope he chokes on.
“Yeah you-you d-do s-s-seem t-tired sweet-sweetheart,” Holly stutters and my glare at Acid intensifies, causing Piston to chuckle under his breath. I kick the side of his leg, making him cough.
Acid grins wider, but it soon fades when I say, “Oh, you know, just working a lot. Though, do you know who also seems tired lately? Perrie. I heard she started seeing some lawyer on the west side….”
Acid narrows his eyes, his lips pressing together while Piston’s body shakes with silent laughter, and Canine bites his lip to stop his from coming out.
That’s what he gets for directing everyone’s attention to me.
I just grin at Acid, and I reach over my plate and grab the bowl for the peas. I carefully lift it, but somehow, and I really don’t know how, I knock into the large spoon, and peas fly everywhere, including smacking Canine in the face.
I gasp, quickly putting the bowl down, nearly dropping it in the process, spilling more peas, and say, "Oh, God, I am so sorry,” as I sit back, looking at the carnage on the table.
“Fucking clumsy as ever,” Piston mutters from beside me, and I elbow him in the side, making him grunt and laugh at the same time.
I place my hands over my face.
Everyone laughs as I feel an arm wrapping around my shoulder, Piston’s musky scent filling me. I lean into Piston for a moment and mumble, “I’m sorry.”
He hums and asks, “What for, the peas or the elbow?”
I carefully part two fingers, peek up at him, and reply, "The peas—the elbow you deserved a long time ago.”
He grins wide, his left dimple popping out, and I roll my eyes at him to hide how much my heart flutters.