Page 47 of Agor
“It was good, wasn’t it?” A new note of insecurity laced her voice. She’d let herself go this time, fully and completely. She dared to be herself with me, and now waited to hear what I thought about it.
I didn’t want her to worry even for a second.
“It was better than good, sweetheart. It was the best.” I ran my hands up her thighs and parted them wide before lowering my head between her legs.
“What are you doing?” She rose on her elbows.
“I can’t wait to find out how you and I taste together.” I dipped my tongue inside her, swirling it around as she writhed and whimpered on the floor.
I’d bet I could make her come a few more times before I had to leave. My cock stirred, bobbing back to life as I thought aboutall the ways I’d eat her out then fuck her again, whether or not she allowed me to use my hands.
When I shared my plans for the night with her, she hooked her legs around my neck, arching her back to press herself into my mouth as I lapped at her with abandon.
“You areinsatiable,” she murmured.
We both were.
Our luck was that we had found each other.
Chapter 11
We never ended up having tea that night. After Agor made me come a few more times, and I gave him the longest orgasm he’d ever had, we used the warm water to wash instead.
Afterwards, we crawled into my bed that used to feel spacious when I slept alone, but suddenly felt tiny with Agor’s bulk crammed into it with me. I didn’t mind the loss of space. Snuggling into his wide chest and sliding my bare feet between his shins, I felt comfy and warm.
“Wake me up if I oversleep.” He yawned. “I need to leave before the sun is up.”
“Dumpling will have to go out to pee soon. He’ll wake us up,” I murmured into his chest with my eyes closing.
Thoroughly satisfied and utterly exhausted, we were supposed to just have a quick nap for an hour or two before Agor had to sneak out into the woods again.
But instead of Dumpling’s needy whimpering, it was a loud terrified scream that woke us up.
With the speed of an air sprite, Agor shot out of bed, making it groan and creak.
“It’s Faeena.” I climbed out too. “Probably found another boar on my porch...”
Then I realized that there was no one to leave a boar today. Agor was with me, just putting his pants on. Forgoing his shirt and belt, he shoved his feet into his boots and grabbed his mace.
Alarm pushed me into action too. Throwing a tunic on, I grabbed my sword and shoved the door open.
Faeena lay on the ground in front of her wagon. Blood soaked her flowery headcloth and stained the wet sheet she’d dropped on the ground under her. Her washing basin was upturned with the soapy water spilled over the grass and the packed-dirt path.
“Faeena!” Gleb ran from their wagon, then dropped to his knees by his wife.
I froze in horror at the sight of my wounded, motionless friend on the ground. Rage rushed in next, and an all-consuming need for vengeance. Faeena had never hurt a fly. Her only fault was that she was awake and doing the laundry at this early hour.
A huge orc climbed over the fence of the settlement. Sighting the sword in my hand, he dropped the rock he’d probably planned to throw at Gleb next and raised his mace instead. If he was the one who threw a rock at Faeena, my rage got a target.
“You bastard,” I gritted through my teeth, leaping from the porch over all three steps.
A roar of fury bubbled in my throat as I charged at him. Anger gave me strength as I slashed through the air with my sword, aiming for the orc’s thick neck.
Sadly, he turned just in time, taking the blow on his arm instead. My blade slid across his bulging muscles, leaving a long cut that would’ve disabled a human’s arm but only made the orc wince.
“What do you know? The kitten can scratch.” He smirked, swinging his mace that would flatten me into a pancake if it came down.