Page 31 of Tangled up in You
It was still cold, and they were allstillplanted in the snow, but that didn’t matter anymore.
Not with the gentle brush of Josh lips over hers and Jake’s at her cheek and down each side her neck as she tilted her head back as Jonah’s nibbling mouth went down the front. Shivers raced over her that had nothing to do with the cold. Those shivers amplified when a large, masculine hand pushed inside her coat and found a breast and squeezed through her sweater.
Which one of the brothers was it?
That didn’t matter either. But she had her money on Jonah.
"Jonah," Josh whispered against her mouth, before giving it a little lick that had her swallowing hard. "Let’s get her out of here."
"Yeah," Jake said, his nose running up her neck, before kissing behind her ear. "Weneedto get her where she’s supposed to be."
That need communicated itself all well and good. Though to usewhere she’s supposed to bewas a strange way to put it. Right now,thiswas where she felt like she was supposed to be. Where sheneededto be. As plastered as she was to Jonah, there was no mistaking how muchheneeded. She had to guess his brothers were in the same condition.
And all for me.
"You’re right." Jonah huffed out a disgruntled breath, while Josh and Jake stood. Each one grabbed her by an arm and lifted her off Jonah, who groaned again. But this time itwasthe good kind. She wanted to groan too.
Jonah and Jake bracketed her, pressing their bodies to hers as she watched Jonah stand. Then he was in front of her, his hands once more in her hair as he tilted her head up to his.
"Are you ready to go home?"
That’s where Jake had been insisting she’d needed to be for almost a year. Josh too. Jonah had been the lone holdout because he thought she’d needed more time.
Well, her time was up.
This just wasn’t how he’d imagined it happening. Hell, of all the scenarios he’d tried to play out in his head onexactlyhow they would get her for their own, this was nowhere close. He just prayed she would come with them. Although…
Where else would she go?
He eyed the deep furrows filling with snow and broken branches where her car had gone off the side of the mountain, and he shuddered.
That’s all they’d had.
If they hadn’t followed her.
Or if they hadn’t seen…
He shook his head, clearing those thoughts from his mind as he wrapped his arms around her, needing the comfort for himself.
Just Alyssa.
And not all thewhat ifs.
"Okay," she finally whispered out, then turned her frowning gaze toward where her car had gone over as well. She let out a small sigh. "All my things were in there. My purse, the keys to my house, my laptop, my…" She grimaced. "Great, my phone was in there." Panicked, widening eyes lifted and bounced to him and his brothers. "Becca.
Their woman pulled herself from their arms and stumbled away, then took off at a run that wasn’t as fast it might have been because of the snow and headed straight for their truck. The three of them glanced at each other, with Josh shrugging, before they went after her.
"Hurry," she threw over her shoulder right as they easily caught up with her. "We’ve got to find her. She could be." A low sob left her as she came to a wobbly stop in the middle of the road, her shoulders shaking and hands wringing when they enclosed themselves around her. "What if…"
Pooling eyes lifted—first to Josh, then to Jonah, then finally to him, her red cheeks wet with tears. "Jake, what if…"