Page 35 of Tangled up in You
Josh liked that little breathless quality in her voice.
"Because, Lyssa, you’re wet." A gasp parted her lips. "For us. How just the thought of Jonah turning your ass all nice and hot and red while Jake and I watch…" His cock had gone so hard it was about to rip through the zipper. "It’s making your pussy even more wet and so achy, you can’t wait for us to give it what it needs."
"Umm…" A shaky breath left her, as her gaze darted to each of them and the light dimmed, enfolding them again.
"Is that what you want, baby?" Jonah’s low, raspy question rumbled around them. "You want us to take care of that pretty little pussy of yours? Give it what it needs. Giveyouwhat you need?"
"Tell us," Jake said, just as low, his hands going to the back of Jonah’s seat and his fingers digging into the leather. His younger brother came off to everyone as laid back. And he was. Most of the time. But right now, Jake’s tension and need nearly vibrated around him.
"Please, Lyssa." A year of waiting and biding their time had come down to the next few seconds. "Tell us that’s what you want."
The truck was almost soundproof, but he could swear he heard every snowflake hitting the ground as they waited for Lyssa to say the words they all so desperately wanted to hear.
"It’s…" A low breath left her. "It’s what I want."
One second, she’d basically let these three men know they could have their way with her, the next, cold air had flooded the truck as three doors were slung open then slammed shut. Before she could fully processthatfact, she found her own door dashed opened and herself being dragged from the truck by Josh, then thrown over Jonah’s shoulder and the door shut behind her.
"Is this completely necessary?" It wasn’t an easy question to grouse out, not with how she was being jostled by Jonah’s near-running form. How he managed that feat through well over a foot snow, she had no idea.
"Yes," came three deep, growly, replies that had her quivering from more than the cold.
Was the whole speaking in unison a triplets thing? If so, what else did they do in unison? As fast as Jonah bounded up the porch steps, she might be about to find out.
"Will it do me any good to argue?" She tried her best to sound reasonable and not at all like a woman who hadnodesirewhatsoeverto argue. Jonah breezed through the front doorJosh, who had been leading the way, must have opened ahead of them.
Did clits flutter?
She was pretty sure she’d never heard of such a thing, but hers certainly was at the moment at their even more guttural, in unison, answer as that front door shut. It might have also had to do with the way Jonah’s tight grip held herhighon her upper thigh.
So close.
And if she thought she might be put down as soon as they got inside, it soon became apparent that wasn’t going to be the case. Because Jonah didn’t stop. No, he swiftly made his way through their home, which, from her cattywampussed perspective, seemed pretty homey and inviting.
"Where’s your Christmas tree?"
"Hadn’t thought about one," Jonah grumbled.
"Oh." It kind of made sense. Three men probablywouldn’tthink about something like that. More importantly, why wasshethinking about such a thing at a time like this?
She lifted her head—bracing one hand on Jonah’s back and pushing her hair from her face with the other—as Jonah took to the stairs inside the house. Jake followed close behind, his features taut and gaze determined. It was enough to make her already heavy breathing go into overdrive.
It also blanked out anything else that might be on her mind except for being alone with them. Especially since they’d made it to…
The bedroom.
Jonah—his breathing harsh—dug his fingers into her thigh where they’d stopped by the…
What size bedwasthat, anyhow? It had to be made up of at least two king beds. And had it been raised? If so, it was at the perfect height for…
Those were questions she would have to ask later. Not that she wasn’t still curious. She was. But it was hard to say anything with her mouth drying up, while everything south continued to get wetter and wetter as Josh and Jake—who had both lost their jackets at some point—filled her vision.