Page 57 of Tangled up in You
"What?" Jake asked, moving in front of her, his hand still holding hers, while his free one lifted to her cheek. "Why the tears?"
If I say anything I’m going to start full-on ugly crying.
No one wanted to see that. Meaning, she absolutely couldnotbreak down in front of them. It didn’t help matters it was right there, waiting to bubble up to the surface at any second.
And if she attempted to answer Jake?
It wasn’t happening. So, she shook her head—kind of knocking Jonah in the nose in the process—while her lips trembled and…
Too late.
Her face crumpled, while she did her best to keep her lips tight in a futile attempt to control themandher whimpers.
"Lyssa…" Josh moved in front of her too, near panic on what she could make out of his features through her watery gaze. "What’s wrong."
"Shh… Shh… Shh…" Jonah’s attempt at soothing her only made it worse, sending her uncontrollable ugly-cry into a whole new realm of wracking sobs that shook her whole body as she bent her head.
"What’a we do?" Jake’s clearly alarmed question had her shaking her head again, while the men enveloped her on all sides in more than just a group hug. Light kisses brushed over her brows and cheeks, while soft words of comfort left all three of them. They had no idea what had set her off—although Jonah probably had his own suspicions, which was only one a small part of it—but they were doing all they could to console her.
To make it better.
It made her love them even more.
"Tell us, Lyssa." Josh’s urgent whisper reached down into her heart where she was ready to burst with the need to tell them. But it was his, "Please," that finally broke her.
"I just…" A huge, uneven gulp of Laverty-laden air didn’t help to calm her as much as she’d hoped. "I… I love you so?—"
Josh’s lips landed on hers, cutting those few stuttered words short. His kiss ate at her mouth, completely swallowing up any remaining blubbering on her part, while a growl sounded from Jonah kissing her nape through her hair and Jake’s groan hummed against the side of her neck where he nipped and kissed.
"Mmm…" Another hum from Jake coasted over her skin. "We love you too."
"We do, baby."
"So much," Josh breathed against her lips. "So very much."
A squeeze around her middle stopped her.
"What have I said about thosebutsof yours?" Jonah nuzzled into her hair. And that wasn’t the only place she felt a part of himnuzzling. "That word has no place here. Not with us. We won’t let you put it between us."
Focusing on Josh wasn’t as easy as she’d have liked. Jonah’s and Jake’s hands had gotten busy—delving down and up and behind—too many hands to even know whose was whose. Their mouths joined in, Jake suckling at her breast while Jonah dropped to his knees from his place at her back. His hands went to her ass. What was he…
"Ahh…" Her lids drooped, lips parted, and head tilted up, her panting breaths making her lightheaded.
"Oh, god." The glide of his tongue where no man had done more than barely touch her before only intensified the need welling up inside her. A need only these men could satisfy. It flowed through her, overwhelming her senses even more when Jake’s fingers found her core.
"Josh," she moaned, while the dual assault from Jake and Jonah pulled her deeper. Only Josh’s hands cradling both sides of her face, urging her head down where she fixed on his loving gaze, kept her grounded in the whirlwind of sensations created by his brothers. It held hers steady, when all she wanted to do was close her eyes and let herself float away.
"Let us love you." His low words thrummed over her senses. "Let us make you ours."
"Yes," she practically wailed as her body cried out for release. Anything to ease the empty ache needing to be filled. "Take me."