Page 62 of Tangled up in You
In bed with her men. Josh sprawled out on his stomach to her right with his arm stretched out and hand claiming a breast, Jonah pressed against her left side, while Jake…
She glanced down her naked torso—over Jonah’s hand seared to her other breast—to find Jake had taken up residence low on her right, with his head nestled on her belly over the top sheet and his arms wrapped around her hips. It didn’t look too comfortable from her vantage point, but from his slow, even breathing, he had to be sleeping pretty well.
Had he even moved from down there after he’d…
A smile filled her face. Yesterday morning’s arousing sex hadn’t been it for the day. They’d barely left the bed. And yes, the brothers hadlotsmore lube handy.
A little twinge hit her clit out of nowhere while her core flooded.
How was it possible she was getting wet?
"This nipple’s hard," Jonah murmured, tweaking and plucking it between his fingertips.
"Mmm…" Josh managed around a yawn, while he squeezed her flesh. "This one is too."
"It’s cold," she said, trying to sound as matter of fact as she could. Though her inability to keep her body from squirming might not have allowed her to pull that off. The squirming went full on hip twisting when Jake rubbed his face over her center through the sheet, while taking a deep breath. "The girls get… Perky."
"I wonder what might beperky?" Jake sat up and threw the sheet back. "Let’s see, shall we?"
Her men lay collapsedand panting around her, while she breathed slowly in an attempt to calm her racing heart. How could it be this way every time? But then another question raised its ugly head.
How long will this last?
They’d said they loved her, and she believed them. And god knew she loved them. But how could the four of them make a life together outside the walls of this cabin.
When this long, snowed-in holiday was over?
"You’re thinking something I don’t like again," Jonah whispered, his tender gaze holding hers captive when she cut her eyes toward him. "What is it?"
"I love all of you."
"We love you too, Lyssa." Josh pulled himself to a sitting position against the headboard, tugged her up, and tucked her against his side. "You know that, right?"
"I do," she said, pressing her free hand to her heart. "And it’s tearing me apart."
"What’s tearing you apart?" Jake went from lying flat to sitting up and grabbing the hand away from her chest. "Tell us and we’ll fix it."
"I don’t think you can," she whispered, sitting away from Josh and taking in all their gazes, while pulling her hands free. "How can I choose?"
A stunned silence followed her question.
"Why choose," Jonah finally said, seemed genuinely perplexed. And maybe a little panicked, which was completelyout of character for him. "We’ve chosen you. The three of us." He indicated his brothers with an inclination of his head. "No other woman will do." He claimed one of the hands she’d fisted in her lap. "I know it’s not conventional. But…" His jaw clenched. "If you must choose one, the two of us youdon’t, will step away." His hand squeezed her. "But know, we’ll never stop loving you."
Clearly each would sacrifice their own happiness for the other. It was there in the resignation and despair in each gaze. It was also clear, neither of them believed they would be her choice.
It broke her heart.
Because there wasn’t a choice.
"Each of you would truly allow your brothers to…" She got on her knees, pulling her lips in to keep them from quivering. "You’re mine."
The three men took a simultaneous breath and held it, before Jake choked out, "But which one."
"All of you." She spread out her arms, expecting for them to fall into them. Instead, she found herself flat on her back and her men taking over her body.
"Damned right, all of us," Jonah grumbled, any hint of his earlier unease banished as he spread her legs and nestled his body between her thighs, then entered her in one quick thrust.
"You’re ours," Josh said, before kissing her deeply, his hand at her breast.
"Forever," Jake murmured in her ear, before trailing his mouth to her other breast, breathing out, "and ever," before taking her in his mouth.
And she was.
Exactly where she was supposed to be.
Forever tangled in the Lavertys.