Page 89 of Tangled up in You
With his hopes dashed, as the music resumed Chris tried to stand next to Mark’s “spot”—and he thinksI’m“inflexible”?—and lasted all of three minutes before he poked Mark in the shoulder to indicate he would wander again.
Figures she was smartandcute.
He kicked himself in the ass over not doing his due diligence. When she’d mentioned her studies he’d started info dumping about the park, she’d asked questions…
And then the next thing he knew, Mark had clocked her as underaged and there went their chances for a fun, strings-free romp with the woman.
Oh, well.
He found a semi-shielded spot to stand where the music wasn’t blasting him and sank into his thoughts. Maybe it was time they seriously discussed marriage. Truth be told, he really wasn’t that disappointed things didn’t work out with the girl.
Doesn’t that say something?
There was a time early on where they had fun singling out a woman to be their third for a night, like a coordinated wolf hunt.
Uh, only without the creepy-sounding internal dialogue, of course.
Most of the time when they met a woman under those potential circumstances, they enjoyed a pleasant evening of conversation and never so much as hinted at pursuing sexy fun with her.
But on those rare occasions when the stars aligned?
Those werehottimes.
What are we doing? Really?
From where he stood he watched Mark as he stood at the end of the bar and subconsciously scanned the audience in that sexy, watchful way of his.
One of the things he loved about Mark was that yeah, he was a “cop,” but he wasn’t acop. He didn’t swagger with small-dick syndrome—literally or metaphorically, thank you very much—throwing his weight around just for kicks. He was the kind of guy who usually kept a situation cool and calm, which was a skill he needed patrolling the backcountry alone. Mark saw himself more a guardian than a law enforcement officer. Of both people and the park, to protect them from each other.
Like tonight. Mark could have stepped outside, placed a call, had the cops show up and arrest the girl and fine the hell out of Jason and the bartender who’d served the girl, and yes, that would be upholding the letter of the law.
But was it justice?
It was best for all involved if it was handled exactly as Mark had. But the night wasn’t exactly over yet, so he held hope they might meet someone.
Jesse opted to drive to the bar. She wouldn’t drink alcohol there and she liked having a safe retreat. Whether because she needed a few minutes to pull herself together if she became overstimulated, or because she needed to make a quick escape from some creep and not be followed on foot, the thought of having the car nearby reduced her anxiety, meaning it increased the chances she’d enjoy herself.
For tonight she went with glasses, not contacts. She also threw her laptop bag into the car in case she later drove to a nearby overlook to spend time under the stars reviewing her project plan for the sensor installation.
Okay, technically that was work and not relaxation, but she would feel relaxed working outside under the beautiful blanket of stars she normally didn’t get to enjoy because of city lights, so it still counted as downtime.
Well,shecounted it as downtime.
Her timing was perfect, too, because she pulled into a parking space near the back deck as another car left, giving her a prime spot.
She wasn’t a believer in superstition but she’d accept that as a good omen.