Page 93 of Tangled up in You
Christopher leaned in, nudging him. “Take a look at her ride, dude.” He pointed to a BMW sedan that looked out of place in a parking lot full of trucks, Jeeps, and SUVs of all flavors, conditions, and ages.
That was immediately two strikes against her. Rich princess working for Daddy, who’d probably look down her nose at them.
“Doing what?” Mark asked.
She smiled. “Work.”
Okay, third strike.He didn’t like cagey women.
“That’s why she’s out here,” Christopher said, oblivious to the situation, as usual. “Work, and a little recreation.”
Mark tried to carefully pick his words but there was something humming at the periphery of his senses that struck an odd chord and disquieted him.
“Is it a super-secret government job?” he asked with more snark in his tone than he intended.
“No. I prefer protecting my privacy,” she said. “Especially as a woman traveling alone.”
He realized she wasn’t drinking alcohol, either. “How long have you been in town?”
“Just arrived today.”
“Staying long?”
Mark didn’t know what the hell was going on, but now that the buzzing had started it droned in a way he couldn’t ignore. He didn’t usually have to deal with “criminals” but the fact that she wasn’t being at least a little forthcoming meant trouble. Either that, she was a spoiled woman used to getting her way and who might cause problems for them—or at the very least hurtChristopher’s feelings—or she might not be totally above-board and he damned sure didn’t want to get tied up with a swindler.
Or, worse, a drug smuggler.
Because why be cagey about her profession when she obviously had money to buy an expensive car, even if her clothes looked off-the-rack?
Maybe it was the cop in him feeling on-edge about the near-miss earlier, but at least this woman looked older than a teenager. “How old are you?”
“Twenty-three. Why?”
“We don’t date jailbait,” Christopher helpfully added without thinking first.
As usual.
She sat back. “I thought you said you’re partners?” Now Mark felt like they were on the defensive and that damned sure wasn’t a position he preferred.
“Well we are,” Chris started. “But?—”
Mark nudged him. “We sometimes enjoy the company of women,” he said, deciding to blow this up. Then he could take the blame for it. “But yes, he’s mine.” He laid a hand on Christopher’s shoulder.
Her gaze shifted from Mark to Chris and back again. “Chris and I were having a pleasant conversation,” she said, but there was none of the outrage he’d expected, which also set off alarm bells, ironically. “He used an original pick-up line on me that got us talking.”
She stood, picked up her soda, and with her free palm facing Mark waved it in a circle. “I didn’t mean to intrude on your territory. Sorry.” She looked at Christopher. “It was nice chatting with you. Have a pleasant evening.” She turned and walked inside.
Leaving Christopher sitting there stunned and confused. “Mark? Uh, what’d I miss?”
Mark clapped him on the shoulder. “We dodged trouble,” he said. “And our tab’s paid so let’s go home.” He headed for the steps, jingling the truck keys in his hand as he tried not to look at the fancy BMW when he walked past it.
He heard Christopher following him. “Wait, I’m serious. What happened? I was having fun talking to her.”
Mark turned, dropping his voice. “I’ll explain on the way home. Get in.”