Page 97 of Tangled up in You
And in that way Chris had also learned things, like being open with people he needed to interact with for work that he was autistic to help derail potential miscommunications.
They were both happier than they’d ever been in their lives.
Their lives were good.Satisfying.
Would they ever get rich?
No, but they had job security, benefits, and a future retirement pension thanks to working for the government.
Mark got to live and work in arguably the most beautiful place in the world, doing something he loved, with a partner he wouldn’t trade for anyone else.
To him, that was all that mattered.
I’m just glad I never shoved my head so far up my ass I couldn’t see the truth before now.
Aquick online search provided Jesse with the name of a local restaurant with stellar reviews. Jesse called in a take-out order, stopped at a liquor store and purchased two single-serve bottles of rum and a 2-liter bottle of soda, and then returned to her hotel to chat with friends on Discord.
That’ll teach me to try topeople. I don’t care what Dad says.
In fact, “people” were usually the reason she didn’t enjoy herself in a non-work situation.
That stupid guy.
Her RSD wouldn’t let her drop it. She still felt steamed and replayed the events in her mind, still having no clue where she’d gone wrong, other than he’d reacted jealously over her talking to Chris.
And what the hell was with Christopher’s “dating” comment if they were partners?
Maybe they do thingsreallydifferently out here.
The next morning,Jesse decided not to let Dr. Fornier-Thomas know she was arriving in Gardiner a day early. The woman had offered to let Jesse stay with them and store her belongings and rental car there during the trip. But after last night’s emotional rattling Jesse decided she needed a decompression day.
A pre-decompression day, rather. She’d be stuck with two strange men during a journey she knew would be extremely stressful. Not peopling today would be the wisest course of action.
During her drive south she stopped several times to take pictures. Today’s weather was slightly overcast and nippy, but not unreasonably so. When her father texted to check on her, she sent him several snapshots, proof she was sightseeing.
After checking in she used the time to relax, go through e-mails, and double-check her equipment and supplies, including unpacking and repacking her hiking pack so she’d remember where everything was. Tomorrow she would tour the town, maybe drive into the park and visit Mammoth Hot Springs, and relax in a way she was certain her father would approve of.
That he’d only texted her four times to check on her since she’d landed in Spokane meant he was exhibiting great restraint.
After a fantastic night’s sleep, the next morning Jesse set off toward the main street in her rental to explore. The hotel clerk advised her to park there and then walk around. That way, if she decided to drive into the park later, she wouldn’t need to return to her hotel.
I will enjoy myself today if it’s the last thing I do.
She could even buy souvenir gifts for her dad and Josie.
That would definitely put a smile on their faces.
“Your coffee’s in your travel cup,” Chris said.
Mark kissed him on his way through the kitchen. “Thanks. I need to check on our permits for the trip. They were filed but I want to verify the details and finalize the arrangements to pick up the livestock.”
“When you’re done, we can drive to Gardiner for groceries. The last thing I’ll want to do when we get home is go shopping. I can prep a pan of lasagna and freeze it.” That was Mark’s favorite.