Page 4 of Filthy Ruck
Inside Flirts anyway.
Storm shrugged. “I don't like dickheads. Just because you take your clothes off, doesn't mean you want to go any further.” He flopped down in a chair in the corner of the room and crossed his legs.
“It doesn't mean I don't either.” I pushed myself off the door and sashayed toward him. “If I wasn't talking to you, and if that guy wasn't so pushy, he might have got his blowjob.”
Like India enjoyed dancing, I enjoyed sex. I lost count of the amount of times I'd done it for money. Was I ashamed of it? Not for a moment. I gave pleasure and got money in return. That was a win-win as far as I was concerned.
A flash of surprise crossed Storm's face and his eyes darkened further. “So when you suggested we come here alone…”
I smiled and straddled his thighs. “I owe you one for the expression on that guy's face. He looked like he wasn't used to being told no.”
Storm placed his large hands on my hips. “Guys like that never are. They like to take whatever they can get, whether it's freely offered or not. That's why they come to places like this. So they can feel powerful. Or some shit.”
“Is that why you came here?” I lightly placed my hands on his chest. Under my palms was hard muscle, threatening to break out of his black Dusk Bay Smashers T-shirt. “To feel powerful?”
He chuckled. “Sweetheart, I don't need to come to a club to feel powerful. I was just here with a bunch of other guys.”
“Please say you weren't here with blowjob guy.” I grimaced.
“If I knew him, I would have taken him outside and punched the crap out of him" He squeezed my hips. “Is this where I pull out my money? You know, you don't have to do anything you don't want to.”
It was my turn to snort. “I know that. There's a panic button under this seat if you get out of control. And a card reader on the table.” I jerked my head towards it.
He leaned forward to ease his wallet out of his back pocket and slid out his card. A wave in front of the card reader and a tap on the number keys, and he turned the machine to show me the screen.
My eyes widened. “That's enough for a week.”
“A whole week with Panther, hmmm?” He pressed enter.
“I don't have a week.” I made to grab the machine and cancel the transaction.
“Then we better make the best of the time we have,” he said. He put the card reader out of my reach and raised his hands. “What happens next?”
“You paid all that money, you tell me,” I said. For that much, not a whole lot was off the table. “What's your wildest fantasy?”
“My wildest, hmmm?” He cocked his head. “This. Watching a beautiful woman get naked in front of a room full of people, and then taking her somewhere private to be fucked. Knowing all those guys will be jealous of me. Knowing they've all seen your pussy, but I'm the one who's going to get off here.” He made no attempt to hide the possessive flavour to his tone. If anything, he was embracing it.
I stood up on either side of his thighs, just high enough to grip the hem of my dress and pull it up and over my head. “Then I better make it worth your while.”
“I know you will. Strip for me, Panther.” He laced his hands and placed them behind his head.
A smile on the corners of his lips, he sat back and nodded. Once again giving me his permission. And showing his intention to enjoy every second of watching me take my clothes off just for him. Knowing he was the only one who'd see my body this time.
Everything I did right now was all for him and no one else.
I stepped back, my heels clicking on the floor. My eyes on his, I unhooked my bra, and for the second time that evening slid it down my arms and let it drop to the floor.
I turned my back and shimmied out of my panties before placing them aside.
“Sit down in the chair opposite me,” he said. “I want to see you touch yourself.”
It wasn't the first time I'd received that request. Some guys liked to watch me slide my fingers around my clit. Some liked toknow what got me off, so they could do it too. Others wanted to enjoy the show.
So I always gave them one.
I was good at this and I knew it. Getting guys going, making them harder than steel.
I loved every moment of it.