Page 139 of Enforcer
I kick the door I left cracked open to find Brynne on the bed, papers spread before her, and her reading glasses on the tip of her nose.
She only had to get them last week, and I like them on her.
She looks up, smiling when she sees us both.
Gathering the papers, she sets them on the nightstand with her glasses and phone.
“Working so early, Mrs. Ricci?” I ask her, placing her tray in the middle of the bed as Nico throws his sippy cup for her, nearly knocking over her coffee.
We both laugh as I shake my head and lift him onto the bed.
He crawls up onto Brynne’s lap and snuggles close. She kisses his head.
“Did you sleep well, little love?” she asks him, and he nods, basking in her adoration.
I spread some cream cheese and jam on her rye toast—her current fixation—and hand it over to her. “What were you working on?”
She rolls her eyes. “I’m looking into selling a few of the Bianchi properties that were being used in Dad’s trafficking rings, and Alyssa found the ones she deems the best fit to either turn into something for the neighborhoods or to sell, but I’m worried about all the reports of missing girls lately, that they might fall into the wrong hands.”
I nod. “Yeah, I know what you mean. Might be best to see where things go before making a move.”
We only started using the docks to import and export substances we’d much rather corner the market on than have come into the city by other means a few months ago.
If people are going to do it, it should be safe.
“You might be right,” she says, biting her toast as Nico eyes it disgustedly.
“Speaking of which, I have a meeting with Father Russo later; I don’t remember if I told you.”
“On a Saturday?” she asks. “Why would Father Russo want to speak to you?”
Father Russo not only married us but recently had christened Nico, as well.
I shrug. “I don’t know. Also, when do our jobs only require us to only work on weekdays, bunny?”
She sighs. “I know, but lately, we’ve done very well keeping the weekends to ourselves.”
“Well, I shouldn’t be long, love. I don’t know what he wants, but I can’t imagine that it would be anything requiring me to be there for hours on end.”
“Good, because I have plans for dinner for us.”
I grin. “Oh yeah, and what plans are those?”
She smirks wickedly. “They’re a secret. You’ll have to show up to find out.”
Nico tries to smack her toast, and I sigh. Getting off the bed, I walk around to Brynne’s side and snatch the beast upside down. He squeals with glee, never letting go of his sippy that dangles nearly to the floor.
“I’ll get this one washed up, shall I?”
Brynne smiles. “You mean I get to eat breakfast and have coffee peacefully?”
“That you do, Mrs. Ricci. You can repay me later.”
She waggles her eyebrows at me. “Consider it a deal.”
St. Andrew’s Cathedral is one of the grandest I’ve ever stepped foot in. Its exterior resembles something out of a midevil movie, with a king lurking inside.