Page 122 of From Me to You
“It looks like you are doing a pretty good job. I underestimated you but you have followed my plan to the T turning everyone into your biggest enemy. Congratulations!” She whispered under her breath, smiling.
I shook my head as I stared ahead. At this point, I only felt indifferent toward her.
She chuckled “You do remember what you have to do tonight, don’t you? Don’t mess it up, I am sure you know what’s on the line here, and also don’t worry I will take good care of Emmie while you are gone.”
Sadness, so much sadness crept over my body. It felt like dying.
I watched Jay looking at us with a frown on his face.I love you,I mouthed to him. He beamed at me before returning back to his conversation.
What was I even doing? Jay looked so happy. The look on his face said that he had made it. He had finally gotten what he had always wanted. But I just wanted to run to him and tell him everything.
“Not having second thoughts, are we? The album still hasn’t been released Evy— I can still change the course of his life.”
I took a deep breath. I had to do this.
“It’s so comical to think sometimes.”
She turned at the tone of my voice. “What’s comical?”
I looked at her square in the eyes and said, “Do you think Jay will ever love you? He will never love you, White. All this scheming you did will be for nothing. Yes, you might lure him with your manipulation, but his heart will always belong to only me.” I smiled.
White fumed with rage. “I will take care of that. You just need to worry about breaking his heart, and I will put all those pieces back together.”
I downed the rest of my drink. “He won’t have a heart after I leave him.” I didn’t wait for her answer as I turned to the bartender and asked him to fill up my glass again.
“Woah, the bitch just stormed off. What did she want?” Will slid in next to me.
I shrugged, feigning nonchalance.
He sighed next to me. “Are we still doing it tonight? You seem pretty drunk.”
“Yes, we are, Will. The plan hasn’t changed,” I told him in a firm voice.
He nodded. “Your man is going to kill me. I just don’t understand why you are doing all this when you love him so fucking much.”
I panicked for a bit before I toned it down. “I told you why. It’s for my future. I want to go to Yale and live like a regular college girl. Not be tied down to a rock star who would eventually break my heart.”
“Your reason seems silly, Evy. Well, whatever. You are never going to tell me anyway—I will be waiting outside. I hope you know what you are doing.”
I nodded and took a huge swig of my wine. I was so drunk. Good.
“You okay, sweetheart? What did he want?” Jay hugged me from behind a while later.
I turned into his arms and hugged him tighter.
“I love you,” I whispered barely audible against the loud stereos in the club.
But he heard it. “I love you more, sweetheart,” he said, kissing the side of my head.
One single tear cascaded down my right cheek, and I quickly wiped it away. This was the last time we would hug with so much love. I used to hardly cry but now I had become a crybaby. All I did these days was cry.
I pulled back. “I am going to go home, Jay.”
Jay’s brows furrowed in confusion. “We just got here. Wait a bit for me. I will tie some things up and we will go home, okay?”
I shook my head. “No, it’s your night. You should celebrate. I am just coming down with a pounding headache. I am going to sleep anyway.”
Someone called him just then. “Coming,” he hollered before turning back to me. “You sure?” He rubbed my forehead. “You have been drinking a bit tonight. Here, drink this.” He handed me a glass of water.