Page 22 of From Me to You
“Thanks,” I mumbled as I headed there.
“Hello,” I called out, it looked like the back led to the kitchen. I saw an older woman with a green-colored apron sporting an Olive’s logo rolling some pastry on the counter.
She looked up as I walked in and gave me the biggest smile “Yes, sweetie?”
“Umm, are you Martha? I was looking for a part-time job. Lucas asked me to meet you.”
“Ah, yes, sweetie. Come on in.” She gestured as she wiped her hands with a cloth.
I smiled as I made my way to her.
“Have you ever worked in a café before?”
“Umm, No.” I shook my head.
“Don’t worry. darling. We will teach you if you need any help. People usually come here for the pies, so you would mostly need to work behind the counter.”
I nodded.
“When can you start?”
She smiled “Great, you can start tomorrow then.”
“Thank you.” I beamed at her.
I was thinking about Jay the whole way back home, I just couldn’t help it. I was so mad but also sad. And embarrassed. That night I furiously wrote in my diary that I was never going to think about him again. But even as I wrote that I knew that it was impossible.
I thought about him the whole week, and I was disappointed in myself for making him so important in such a short time. He was like a constant reel playing in the back of my head as I tried hard to forget him. The rest of the week went by quietly—I didn’t hang out much with the girls except for lunch, and even then, I was mostly back to my quiet self. They could tell that something was wrong but didn’t question me.
I started work at Olive’s which was a great distraction. Also, Martha was a complete sweetheart.
I sighed. It was already Friday—almost a week had passed since that day, and I was mostly looking forward to sleeping this weekend.
A familiar red truck was parked in my driveway as I walked back home from school.
Jay was leaning against it in his usual black attire. He looked so gorgeous.Don’t go there, Evy, not again,I chided myself.
He looked up as I made my way through the front yard. “Hey, I have been waiting for you. You didn’t answer my text.”
I know I chose not to answer you, I replied in my head.
He had sent me a text earlier today saying that he would be at my place after school.
I ignored him as I headed to the door, digging up the keys from my bag. Suddenly, a warm hand grasped mine and spun me around.
I bore into his cobalt blue eyes, feeling a rush of anger. “What are you doing?”
“I was talking to you.”
“Yes, I know. I chose to ignore it.”
“Why?” His brows furrowed.
He was asking me why. He very well knew why! “I can’t believe you. Let go of me.” I tried to pull my hand out of his grasp.