Page 3 of From Me to You
“Oh, that’s exciting. I can’t wait to show you around town! I have lived here all my life,” Katy said with a big grin on her face. “What is your first period, by the way? I’ll show you your locker and classrooms. I have calculus. God, I hate calculus!” She sighed loudly.
“I have biology,” I replied.
“Nice! It is close to your locker,” she said, showing me all the other classrooms in my timetable.
“This is your locker, 203, and that’s biology.” She pointed to the room around the corner. “Give me your phone, I will add my number. You can text me if you need anything, oh, and meet me at the cafeteria for lunch. I can introduce you to everyone.” She talked so fast that it was hard to keep track.
“Oh, okay. Thanks.” I handed her my phone with a small awkward smile.
I wasn’t sure what to say as I stood there. I never really had much friends growing up, but she seemed nice. I was glad to make a friend on my first day in the middle of the school year.
I opened my locker to get ready for class.
“Katy!” yelled a loud voice before a tall guy with mousy brown hair crashed into Katy and started making out with her.
“Lan, we are in school.” She laughed, pushing him away.
The guy pulled back but still kept his arms around her. Two other guys stood next to them, smiling. They must be his friends.
“Oh, let me introduce you guys to Evy, the new student. Evy, this is Landon Greige, my boyfriend, and that is Matt Evans, my twin brother.” Katy pointed to the guy who was built like a linebacker with a buzz cut wearing a friendly smile similar to Katy’s.
“And this is Micheal DeClere aka Mike, but we call him Mikey just to piss him off. Don’t fall for his charms though. He is a complete asshole.” She gestured to the incredibly good-looking guy with emerald green eyes who was grinning from ear to ear with long blonde hair tied back in a ponytail.
She wasn’t wrong about that at all. He did look like trouble.
Actually, all of them looked like trouble. They were all so hot, like models. They even had a few tattoos peaking from the shirts. It was hard to believe they were standing inside Bellevue High when they looked like they could be in Hollywood.
“Oh, come on, Katy! You love me,” Mike snickered, still grinning while he turned to me and checked me out from head to toe. “Oh, and nice to meet you, darling. You look like heaven. Don’t listen to Katy here. I could welcome you to our school the right way.”
“Hmm, no thanks,” I said to him and waved to the rest of them. “Nice to meet you all.”
“Ah, you are breaking my heart, sweetie,” Mike exclaimed, holding his heart dramatically.
“He is always like that. Don’t mind him,” Matt said, holding his hand out to me. “Welcome to Bellevue.”
“Thank you, Matt.” I smiled, shaking his hand. He seemed like the calm one in the group.
“I have to meet Ms. Smith. I got to go, babe. I love you. See you later,” Landon said, kissing Katy on the cheek.
“See you later, Lan. I love you too.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Evy,” Landon called out, waving at me as he walked away.
“Lan is the teacher’s aide,” Katy explained to me. “Oh, and I programmed my number on your phone,” she said, handing back my phone.
“Guys, we are late,” shouted someone from behind me. A voice that somehow sent shivers down my spine and warmed my soul at the same time.
I turned around and my heart stopped for a moment. I’d never seen someone so beautiful in my life. He was so tall—around six foot two—that I probably only reached his torso. His body was lean and strong, and the muscles around his arms flexed against his T-shirt. He was dressed in all-black, with dark raven locks falling over his piercing blue eyes. With his high cheekbones, full lips, and strong jawline, he was the most gorgeous boy I’d ever seen. Stacks of metal rings and bracelets adorned his beautiful hands which made him all the more handsome.
He walked toward us, and I started to sweat again. God! What was with this school? Why did everyone look so good?
He came to a stop beside Mike.
“Come on, we have to get to class,” he told the guys and waved to Katy. “Hey.”
He then turned to me with a curious look on his face.
“Hey, Em, this is Evy, the new student,” Katy said, waving toward me. “Evy, this is Emerson Jameson, our friend. Yes, I know his name sounds a bit weird. But you can call him Em, Emmie, or Emerson. He doesn’t mind.”