Page 67 of From Me to You
I got through the rest of the shift in no time and tried not to think about how Jay was doing while I immersed myself in mindless tasks.
“Martha, if you are free, I would like to talk to you,” I said as I walked into the kitchen. I had handed over my shift to Harry, another junior who worked here.
“I know what you are going to say.” She smiled while rolling the pastry for her infamous pies. Martha’s pies were to die for, and they were the best in town. She always gave me some to take home for Jay and Aunty M.
I sighed. “Sorry, Martha. I love working here, but I don’t really want to do it anymore. I want to focus on school and other things.” I apologized.
“Sugar doll, you don’t have to apologize. I understand. Here, I made this for you.” She handed me a large green box containing her famous pecan pie. “Take it to the pretty boy of yours.” She winked.
I sighed as I hugged her. “I will always be here if you ever need me, and don’t think I won’t come around for your pies.”
“You are welcome anytime, sugar doll.” She smiled.
I exhaled as I untied my apron in the break room one last time and headed out.
I stopped short as I walked out of Olive’s with the green box in my hand.
The most gorgeous boy in town was leaning against the lamppost with his arms crossed, wearing his signature black leather jacket and dark Levi’s.
“Jay,” I whispered as I rushed to him. “What are you doing here?”
He ran his fingers through his hair. “I came to pick you up,” he said simply.
“You okay?” I asked him as he took the box from my hands.
“Martha’s pie?” Jay asked with a small smile dancing on his face.
“Yeah,” I mumbled as I walked alongside him. “You okay?” I repeated.
“Yeah, I am fine. It just feels like I have lost the last part of him or something.” He shrugged, linking his fingers with mine.
I relished in the feel of his warm grasp. “You will always have a part of him with you, in your heart.” I smiled at him.
He gave me an actual smile that reached his eyes, which only made me grin harder.
“We are hom—” I halted as I opened the door to my house. Jay mumbled a ‘what’ from behind me.
“I know. I will give it back to you soon, David. Stop calling me!” Aunty M yelled from her room.
My brows furrowed in confusion. Aunty M never yelled.
“Just give me some time! Okay, I will give it to you in two days. Just don’t call anymore,” she continued.
I opened the door wider and let ourselves into the foyer. Jay looked at me with a frown. I shook my head as I headed to the living room.
My mind was full of thoughts—I wondered who Aunty M was talking to. I knew it wasn’t her new guy because his name was Liam. And in all the time I have known her, she had never mentioned the name David.
Jay sat beside me on the couch and rubbed small circles down my back. “Who was that?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” I mumbled.
“Hey! When did you kids get back?” Aunty M walked in. She was back to her normal self like she wasn’t just yelling at someone.
“Who is David?” I asked her, cutting straight to the point. I was very impatient and wanted to know now.
“I have to make a call,” Jay mumbled as he walked out the front door. I was sure he had no one to actually call.
Aunty M just stood there stunned.