Page 12 of From You to Me
The sizzle of oil touching the pan was masked away quickly because I poured the eggs right after. I did a little internal dance. There you go, Jay, a bit of oil was not going to damage your muscles.
I grinned as I turned around to slice up some fruits.
I felt the same tingle crawl up my spine. My heart picked up an erratic pace as I slowly brought my gaze to him.
There was a glint in his darkening eyes that glued my feet to the ground. The bleak expression told me he knew exactly what I had done.
“Are you done? Or should I wait longer? I don’t appreciate tardiness.”
Oh, thank God, he didn’t notice!
“It’s only eight forty-five. I was told you expected breakfast at nine.”
He didn’t even blink as he replied, “Since you might have to remake them, I anticipate that it could take longer.”
I frowned as I flipped the perfectly cooked eggs onto a plate and arranged them on the tray while I made his coffee.
“Why do I have to redo them? They’re not burned.”
“I’m sure the instructions specifically said the eggs shouldn’t have any oil. If you have trouble reading simple instructions, I could ask Aimee to spell it out for you or, better yet, hire someone else.”
My heart pounded with a hot fury that instantly burned my body, forming a film of sweat on my back.Today was supposed to be a good day. Remember, Evy.
I recited in my head that nothing would change my mood.
I slapped an overly sweet smile on my face. “I’m sure a little oil in your eggs wouldn’t kill you, sir.”
He gave a cold smile as amusement overtook his face. “Funny that you think that you’re in the position to argue with me.”
I stopped short, blinking as I swallowed the sudden lump in my throat. My mind flashed back to a memory I didn’t want to relive. Something about the way he said it reminded me of her. Of those dark, dreary days when she taunted me every chance she got.
An automatic nod willed out of me as my eyes burned.
His blues remained impassive, furthering my discomfort.
I silently slipped back to do what he paid me for.
We didn’t speak a word after that. I placed his breakfast in front of him without meeting his eyes.
Time drifted away, but the tension that filled the room was murky and paralyzing.
I felt his eyes on me, but I didn’t dare look up as I vacuumed the floor, continuing with my tasks.
After the minutes turned to an hour, he left. A breath of relief escaped me. His presence made this whole apartment tingle with an electrifying current that affected the hell out of me.
And I wasn’t sure whether I liked it or not.
“I’m never drinking again, not after the tequila fiasco from the other day. Do you know how much trouble it got me in?” I replied to Gabe, who was trying to get me drunk yet again with his sweet persuasive skills.
He rolled his eyes. “You say that every single time you drink. You’re a broken record.”
I batted my eyelashes, trying to be cute. I was sure I came off as a rabid dog that had eye issues. “I’m not just a broken record. I’m a broken everything!” I gestured to my body.
He shook his head. “Okay, fine. And don’t think I forgot about Marcus.”
I groaned
“You need to go out with him. Trust me, he’s perfect for you. He’s invited Rory and I to the club next weekend. He asked if you could join us. You have to come, Evy. It’ll be so much fun.”