Page 14 of From You to Me
The call cut off.
I squeezed my eyes as I exhaled a heavy breath.
Talking with anyone associated with David made me slick with fear. I was grateful that in these past six years, I was able to pay back the money uneventfully without any incidents.
A debt that my mommy dearest left for me as a present. I was pretty sure she wasn’t even alive. Sometimes I wondered if all the drugs she stole finally put an end to her life.
Because heaven forbid, she popped out of nowhere to save me from this miserable situation she put me in.
Hoping for an escape from these confines was like wishing on that one dying star in a sky full of glittering ones.
With my downturned luck, choosing a dying star would be the luckiest thing I have ever done.
Until then, this was what was written for me.
Ironically, in the stars.
The rest of the week passed by in a hazy daze. Each morning turned out to be a repeat of the previous day. Like a vicious cycle, our routine was set in place, no questions asked, no words spoken.
I would come in early and make him breakfast while continuing my duties.
He would eat in a cool broody silence and then leave.
Sometimes, he would linger by the living room or terrace, his gaze transfixed on the skyline while he had his coffee. His face was always set in a cold, blank mask, giving nothing away. He once used to be a mirror of emotions, the reflection so apparent on his face that I could read him like a book. But Jay had perfected his poker face over these past six years. It was hard to guess what was going on inside his head.
He barely acknowledged my presence; it was as if I didn’t even exist to him. I can’t deny that it doesn’t hurt. The silence and ignorance were more cruel than his harsh words or punishing eyes. I wanted him to talk to me, yell at me, I wanted him to say something, do something, but no the quiet deadness stretched between us, echoing through these empty walls. It was blaring and loud and uncomfortable.
Yet like an addict looking for her last fix, my eyes never left him. The curve of his finger when he touches his chin, the bluesof his eyes glinting under the light, and the frame of his body when he moved were all like ecstasy coursing through my veins.
And today, like any other day, I waited in anticipation as I wiped at the counter and glanced at the breakfast on the table.
My heart steadily picked up a beat with each minute.He could walk in at any moment.
And just like that, an icy dread swept through the room and I stiffened.
I could feel his presence before he even walked in; the air had turned colder. I gripped the dishcloth tighter and kept my eyes focused on the glimmering swirls swimming through the expensive marble countertop.
My breath hitched as I felt his body brush behind me ever so slightly before it disappeared. I heard him open the fridge and grab a bottle of his expensive water before he settled down at the breakfast table.
I couldn’t help but sneak a peek at him, dragging my eyes ever so slowly from the counter to the enigma in front of me. My body froze as I came to a standstill.
Jay was staring right at me, but that was not all. He was wearing a suit, a delicious three-piece black suit with a tie and a vest. His hair was swept back, and his beautiful blues danced with disdain as they peered at me
A burning heat made its way up to my cheek as I averted my eyes so fast as if I’d been struck by lightning.
I tried to ignore him as I started to clean but his watchful, steely gaze scrutinized my every move. It made me feel all sorts of way. If the tension in this room was measured, even the sharpest knife couldn’t cut it.
“Do I really have to wear this stuffy suit? This tie is strangling my neck Emmie,” called out a familiar voice that I haven’t heard in years.
I stopped short not thinking as I quickly spun around. God, what was I supposed to do now? Was it too late to escape to the laundry room and hide there forever?
“Yes, it’s an important meeting,” Jay said, flatly.
“You’re an unbearable fucker! Oh, what do we have here? A secret flame, uh? Emmie, boy you have been hiding things from me.”
My body froze up knowing pretty sure that he was talking about me. I wrung the dishcloth in my hand as I stood like a statue, staring at the immaculate walnut cabinets. My heart pounded as warmth spread down my palms—clammy with sweat.