Page 64 of From You to Me
The car drove down the twisted driveway, coming to a stop in front of wide modern glass doors. It reminded me of the private entrance in Blueline.
Tyler and I were the last ones to load our things and ascend the elevator.
The door opened to a massive open-floor penthouse apartment; it was so expansive that it looked like it could fit five of my apartments back in New York. My eyes immediately fixed on the curved glass windows that offered the stormy view of the London skyline.
This apartment hosted about ten bedrooms, and according to Lily, Jay actually owned this place. I guess when you made enough money to buy jet planes, it was also mandatory to own homes in London and New York.
“Evy, come on, we’re leaving now.” Lily poked her head through my bedroom door.
I sighed, sliding back against the headboard. “Do I really have to come?”
Lily lifted a shoulder while she gave me puppy dog eyes. “Please, Evy. This is my way of making it up to you.”
Another sigh drooped on my shoulders.
Although the issue of the supposed leak was unresolved, Lily profusely apologized for accusing me, admitting that it was wrong of her to assume that it was me. So now her way of making up for it was dragging me to a party tonight.
I didn’t realize that Lily had become a penchant for parties these days when I knew very well all she wanted to do was buy takeout and veg out on the couch. I wonder if a certain someone influenced her to make all these drastic decisions.
“Lily, if you really want to make it up to me, how about you don’t invite me to the party?” I raised a brow.
She stomped toward me like she was a child and gripped my hand, pulling me out of the bed. “But it’ll be so boring without you. I can’t hang out with Katy these days because she is in her manager mode twenty-four seven, and my brother is a broody ass.” She ticked off her finger. “And I have no idea what Lan isup to half the time. The only person I can actually talk to is Matt, but he’s always with Mikey,” she mumbled. “You’re the only person who can keep me company. Please, Evy.” She pouted, casting a doe-eyed look.
I sighed for the third time as I nodded. There went my plan to actually sleep.
I thought I did a great job of dressing up, but a hard knock of reality slammed right in my face when I stepped into Annabelle’s tonight.
Posh smiles. Glimmering eyes. And immaculate attires.
I felt like a crocodile in a pool of ducks. That was how jarring I was in this crowd. One thing that became apparent to me during this whole tour was while guys somehow blended into this top hierarchy, I stood out as an obvious outcast.
The distance that it created stood ominous. Even glancing at the price of one drink in this establishment brought me back memories of starving myself because all I had was a dollar to my name.
Although I’d made it past that stage in my life, it was a time I’d never forget.
“Here,” I mumbled under my breath as I handed Jay a hot toddy. Though I was off-duty at the moment, it had kind of become a bespoken rule for me to get him anything he needed over the past few weeks.
His intent blues locked on mine, but I quickly averted my gaze and slid in beside Lily, who was getting boozier by the hour.
The clatter around the room was refined and the music tasteful. I guess with exclusivity came a polished lifestyle.
I ignored the flush on my chest from someone’s gaze. As much as it was distracting, I refused to relent. I steeled my wooden spine to even bother to spare a glance his way.
He hurt me in ways he could never understand. I would’ve blindly trusted every word out of his mouth, but that laugh and sneer he gave me when I told him just about destroyed me.
I didn’t want to dwell on it anymore because it was apparent that I was nothing to him.
“I’m going to get a drink,” I whispered in Lily’s ear as I trotted to the bar. My knee was finally back to normal—well as normal as it can be. The flare-up completely disappeared after a day of rest and some OTC meds.
“It’s such a shame that your man left you alone by the bar.” A tingle spread down the side of my neck as a low British accent slipped through my ears. “Because if you were mine, I’m never letting you out of my sight, luv.”
A thud shuddered my heart as I turned to a pair of pale blue eyes. And my eyes widened at the sight in front of me.
Sharp eyes. Dirty blond hair. Six four.
“Hmm, I don’t have a man,” I fumbled out an answer. An instant heat blazed my cheeks, I was sure they were tinted pink.
A grin tugged the corner of his mouth. “Splendid. You wouldn’t mind if I buy you a drink then?”