Page 93 of From You to Me
“Mikey, did you forget that she cheated on me? All the shit that she put me through in LA—the parties and drinking. Even then, I didn’t let her go, I fought for her, but she wanted out. Not me.”
He shook his head. “I don’t really believe that she cheated on you.”
I stilled as my pulse thundered. I recalled Mikey telling me that a few times over the years, but I paid no attention to it until now. Something about the way Evy kept repeating it recentlyand him saying it now made me want me to ask. “Why do you think that?” I steeled out.
He lifted a shoulder while a furrow formed between his brows. “I don’t know, it just felt weird. Like it didn’t add up. One second, she was all over you, and the next, she wasn’t. That girl loved you for years, didn’t dare look at another man, and out of the blue, she had an affair with someone else? How does that make sense? Even in LA when you guys were fighting, E was still clinging on to you and looking at you like you were her universe or something. I mean in the end, even I believed that she might’ve had a thing going on with Will, but it was something that she said before she left that’s been bugging me.”
My thundering pulse skyrocketed. “What did she say?”
His frown deepened as he thought. “I don’t know exactly. But it was something like she loved someone a lot and that she was willing to do anything for them. At first, I thought she was talking about that fucker, but then she asked me to take care of you. That just didn’t make any sense.”
A sharp inhale lodged in my throat as a heavy blanket swept over my pulsing heart. “She told me Cece made her break up with me,” I admitted, my voice a cold whisper.
“What?” Mikey’s eyes widened as he shot upright.
“The fuck?” Even Matt slid off his headphones and controller and focused his attention on me.
“I didn’t believe her at first, but then I saw the look in her eyes and something in me didn’t sit right. I started to wonder if maybe it was true. So I told her I needed time and asked Silas to dig up everything from six years ago. But then I went to her apartment two weeks ago, and to my surprise, guess who I saw? Will. I couldn’t shake the fact that she made a fool out of me for the second time.” Silas was my trusted friend who ran the most elite security company in the country and had connections with people you didn’t want as your enemies.
“Wait. Go back to the part where Cece made E do this. Why?”
I sighed, running a frustrated hand through my hair. “I don’t know the details. She said that Cece was obsessed with me and wouldn’t let us record the album without Evy leaving me.”
“That fucking bitch. I knew something was always wrong with her. She looks at you with possessed eyes, Emmie. I don’t have a single doubt that all of this was because of her. Fuck, I can’t imagine the shit that she put E through.”
Each word out of his mouth instilled in me that I somehow fucked up.
“What did Silas say?” Matt asked, thinking logically as always.
“I don’t know. I asked him to halt after I saw her with Will.”
“You’re a dumb ass fucker, Emmie. It could’ve been a pure coincidence that you saw her with him. I heard he’s engaged and getting married soon.” Mikey rolled his eyes.
“Is it?” I mumbled, nodding. “Fine, I’ll ask Silas to look into it. I just…don’t know... I.. I’m not sure I want to know the truth, you know.” My eyes dragged over the lint spilling off the carpet. “If it’s true, then it was my fault all along, and if it’s not then, I’d be a fool to fall for her lies the second time.”
Mikey slid his arm over my shoulders. “I know, man. But it’s our girl. She literally has no one but us, and she loves fiercely. You’re one lucky fucker that she still loves you. I have no doubt that she’s telling the truth.”
“Yeah, me neither,” Matt added with a grim look on his face. “It’s clear as day that Evy still loves you. And you still love her too.”
“No, I don’t,” I muttered as I blew out a breath. “But what do I do? If it’s all true, then what do I do? The things I said to her, will she ever forgive me?”
A grin twisted up Mikey’s lips. “It’ll be fun to watch you grovel, but it’s Evy. I’m sure she’ll forgive your sorry ass.”
“Did Silas say anything about the other thing we asked for?” Matt asked.
“Yeah,” I huffed out. “Turns out the label is more than a drowning fish in the sea. They have crumbled, barely keeping up, and we’re the only artists keeping them afloat for now. Thank God, we made smart investments and have a big enough name to get out unscathed. Silas tells me the IRS has been working behind the scenes preparing a huge file on them, and it’s only a matter of time before it all comes to light. Cece has been trying hard to procure a merger in Australia but is having no luck so far. So they are as good as dead. We have all the papers ready, our legal will send them out by the end of this month. I hope Katy puts the word out to her sooner. We can’t wait any longer.”
“That’s fucked up. Katy thinks Cece is her fucking best friend or something. Who the fuck cares what that bitch thinks?” Mikey let out an annoyed sigh.
“Cece is…” I stopped; I didn’t know what Cece was to me anymore. Not until I find out the truth. She helped me a lot throughout the years, and I considered her my good friend. I knew she always liked me and even pursued me at times. I relented to a few dates, but I never felt anything. All I thought about was her. For some reason, something in me always made me keep a distance from Cece. I wonder if it was because of Evy.
“Cece is a bitch.” Mikey finished my statement. “So what are you going to do about E?”
“I honestly don’t know. I think it’s best if we stay friends for now until I know what actually happened six years ago.”
A laugh broke out of Mikey. “Yeah right, good luck with that.”