Page 19 of Earl
This was going to take him there personally and he hated like hell that he was the damn CEO of the company, especially now. “I wish I could put it off, but I can’t.”
“It’s fine.”
“I want to see you, Cathy.” He also hated that he sounded desperate, but he was. He spent nights twisting beneath the sheets, his body feverish with need. He hadn’t been with a woman in a while, but it was not that. Just the very sound of her sultry voice was making him crazy.
“When you come back, we will talk about it. I promise.”
He felt relief shuddering through the length of him.
“Does that mean we will not be talking for an entire week?”
“Not a chance in hell.” He growled. “I am going to Europe, and you know the time difference. I didn’t want to assume that you would be able to take my calls.”
“I am a night owl anyway and I will be working feverishly to accomplish what needs to be done.”
“I want to see you.” His voice had dropped. “I know it sounds crazy, but I feel as if I have known you for years.”
“I feel the same way.” She whispered.
Dropping back in the chair, he leaned his head back and closed his eyes. “Cathy.” His voice was rough, and he felt the familiar ache in his loins. “Christ. I wish I were free to say what I need to say to you. But I don’t want to frighten you off.”
“I am not easily frightened.”
“I want to make love to you.”
He waited while she paused and felt fear gripping him as he wondered if he had frightened her off.
“I-I -Oh Earl, what are we doing?”
“We are heading into a relationship. Is that something you see happening?”
“Yes.” She whispered and had him sighing in relief.
“As soon as I am back, we make arrangements to see each other.”
“You might be disappointed,” she warned.
“I could say the same about you. We don’t know what each other looks like unless you want to exchange photos.”
“No. Let it remain a mystery until we come face to face.”
“I know I won’t be disappointed.”
“I hope not.”
Sighing, he rubbed a hand over his face. “If I didn’t have to leave first thing in the morning, I would insist we meet tonight.”
“And I would have said no.”
“Why Cathy?”
“Because I am cautious, in case you haven’t already guessed.”
“You have nothing to fear from me. I know you haven’t spoken much about your past relationships, but I know you have been hurt and so have I. I have a hard time trusting people, especially the opposite sex, but I think I can trust you.”
“I feel the same way.”
“Good.” He said brusquely. There were so many things he wanted to say to her, but he knew it was too soon to voice them. He would wait until she was more comfortable with him. He could not believe he was falling in love with a woman he had not seen, had never met before. But he recognized the signs.