Page 44 of Earl
He turned her to face him, his expression sober. He was wearing black, the silk sweater and pants unrelieved by a superbly cut dinner jacket that sat well on his lean frame. His dreadlocks were brushed and twisted into complicated knots that flowed to his waist.
Framing her face between his palms, he sent a sober expression towards her.
“If I ever hear you complain about being less than beautiful, I am going to kick your ass. Darling, you absolutely take my breath away.”
“Thank you.” She smiled that dazzling smile that had his heart skipping beats.
“This is one of those times that I wish to God that I was straight.” He said feelingly.
“You say that all the time.”
“And tonight, I really mean it. I am sticking close to you.”
“Byron will be there, remember?”
They made their way out the front door to where his Porsche was parked at the base of the porch steps.
“Why didn’t he pick you up?” Justin asked as he opened the door for her.
“I asked him not to. I wanted to go with you.”
He gave her a shrewd glance, before slamming the door shut.
Sliding into the driver’s seat, he secured his seatbelt before commenting. “You did not want him taking you home.”
She shrugged self-consciously.
“I have tried Jus, and it’s not working.”
Leaning over, he kissed one smooth cheek. “It’s not your fault darling. The man just does not do anything for you.”
“I keep wondering what the hell is wrong with me?” She murmured impatiently. “He is a nice guy and willing to please. Why don’t I feel anything for him?”
“Because you cannot command love. The heart wants what the heart wants.”
“I suppose.” Shaking away the melancholy, she forced a smile. “I am not going to think about anything negative. Not tonight. Tonight, I am going to dance, mingle with the rich and famous and drink tons of champagne. And oh, I have not eaten anything since breakfast, because I intend to take advantage of all that sumptuous cuisine.”
“Remember when we only had soggy rice puddings and that awful tasting potato salad?” He flashed her a grin as he negotiated the traffic on the highway. Justin had connected his phone to his car and the sounds of Christmas melodies permeated the air.
“We have come a very long way from that awful place.” Leaning her head back against the padded rest, she closed her eyes briefly.
“We have. You were the one who always encouraged me, reminding me that we would get out and make something of our lives.” He glanced at her as he shot through the lights. “You lit into me when I wanted to give up. I was such a spoiled entitled brat.”
“I was not having any of that attitude.” She recalled with a smile.
“You were pretty mean.”
“Had to be. You were such a damn girl.”
“I hated you and loved you at the same time.”
“I know.”
Taking his hand off the console, he twined his fingers through hers. “You saved me.”
“If you are going to cry, I am going to bail and hitchhike.”