Page 61 of Earl
“And you care what people say.”
“Yes. Don’t you?”
“No,” his sensuous lips formed the word, an implacable expression on his face. “People will talk about us, whatever we do or don’t do. I cannot live my life in fear of gossip. Or I would never leave my apartment. What are you afraid of?” He asked quietly.
“The usual.” She shrugged her shoulder. “Getting killed in a car crash, drowning, being dumped by a multi-billionaire after being seeing with him in public, things like that.” Her eyes met his and she shifted uncomfortable at the hooded look in his eyes.
“You think I am going to dump you.”
“You might.”
“I am in love with you.”
She went still, her eyes popping wide open.
“You don’t know what you are saying, or you are just mistaking the world’s greatest sex for love.”
She was expecting him to take umbrage and was surprised when his white teeth flashed in a smile. “World’s greatest sex?”
“It just might be. I doubt there is anything to top it.”
“Why don’t we try and see.” His deep voice had dropped into a hoarse whisper.
“We are talking and…, and you cannot say those words to me and not expect me to say anything.”
“You can say you love me back.” His hand clamped around her neck, and he attempted to draw her down to meet his seeking mouth. But she resisted by pushing against his chest.
“Earl, please. I am serious. What do you mean?”
Sighing softly, he eased the grip on her neck.
“I started falling in love with you from the very first time we began to communicate. It only got stronger and more pronounced when we started talking on the phone.” His strong fingers caressed her flesh slowly. “When I was in Italy, I saw Diana…”
“Wait! She was there. You were there together?”
“We were not. We just happened upon each other and that is when she told me that no woman would ever look past my money and see the real me.”
Her eyes narrowed at him. “And based on that load of crock, you decided to end things between us.”
There was a sheepish look on his face. “Yes. I was afraid of making that familiar mistake. I convinced myself that we have not met yet, so it would be easy for me to forget you.
I could not. In fact, I spent the time I stopped talking to you in abject misery. I could not concentrate on anything and whenever I come here, I had to drink to try and get some sleep.”
His thumb moved against the hollow of her throat. “It did not work. I was about to give in and call you when we were introduced at the gala. Do not tell me it has not been the same for you too.”
She could not lie, but at the same time, she wanted to talk about his mindset.
“And now? Am I going to have to expect more comments and suspicions? Are you going to be wondering if I am into you because of what you can give me?”
“I don’t care.”
“I do. I am not a damn gold digger.” Her eyes were flashing chocolate fire. “I worked hard to accomplish what I have. And I never, ever need a man to validate or lift my status. I don’t need anything from you. I have more clothes than I can possibly wear. A holdover from living in a group home and having to wear what people shove at you.
I have some very nice pieces of real jewelry, but I usually wear costume, because it’s more convenient, and I don’t have to worry about being mugged. I have stocks and bonds and money in the bank. I own the house I live in, and my car is a fairly new one. I have everything I need.”
“Except me. I admire your fierce independence and the fact that you have made something of your life against the odds, but as my wife…”
She reared up and away as she stared at him mutely.